Ram Navmi wishes
It's Ram Navmi today. Birthday of lord Ram.
I haven't read Ramayan but whatever I've seen are heard in Ram katha about him, it's very clear, he was quite focused on Karma. Whether following his guru's advice or following parents' decision, serve the Rajya or to save his wife.
Eventhough seeing so many wrong decisions in his own family, rather than condemning them, he decided and acted.
Now let's come back to our time today. I've heard Sridhar Vembu-founder of Zoho, speaking many many times, Indian youth need to work hard, stay focused and innovate. Need to stay focused on growth to make this country wealth. He is true man of Karma. He gives examples of Japan and Germany about their dedicated focus on skill development and building export oriented organisations to make their countries wealthy. Same about for China, for what it did in past two decades.
I definitely agree, there's a big role of system and government in many things to get it working well but we really know that government won't be able to do everything. Not at least right now and next few years until some magical reforms happen.
But does that mean, Indian youth keep trolling all the time things which are bad in the country by government and politicians etc etc and expect things to change?
Definitely we must oppose and do needful to fight our rights. Bring fact to people and everything else associated but making it a full-time job will definitely not help us to come out of these situations, for sure not in this pandemic and if continued similarly then anything else comes after this.
Let's look at any wealthy country around the world, it's core is youth and private organisations who aimed to innovate and build export oriented organisations.
Who's corona warrior?
Everyone working hard to help this country prosper. Frontline workers are first but that each and every common man/women who's paying taxes diligently. Those young MSMEs, who work hard to grow and pay taxes, those farmers, those social workers who plant trees, who serve free meals during this time, who donate money to hospitals or other activities, those who follow protocols of mask and stay at home.
I've a friend, I will not quote his name here, he has served 10,000+ meals in past one year. At least 5000 meals to corona patients. He told his parents, I will not stop doing this even if it takes my life. He is a true corona warrior.
There're many silent warrior, known and unknown.
We can see our country's system improve only if our youth become Karma nisth. There's no alternative.
May lord Ram bless all of us to give courage to choose Karma before everything else.
Wishing you all safe Ram Navmi.