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Raj Saini, PhD
Technology Specialist at R.K.S. Technology & Services? | Customized Solutions & Services | Energy Technology | R&D | CFD: AI-ML integrations | Alma Mater-IITB & IITM | 3.2 M views & 38.8k Followers
?? Setting up bio-CNG (compressed natural gas) production facilities in India has multiple benefits: #energy #security, #environmental #sustainability, and #ruraldevelopment.
?? Bio-CNG qualifies for #carboncredits and is a key #project category for this purpose.
?? The shift towards sustainable energy due to diminishing #fossil #fuels and #climate #concerns is driving global #bioenergy #production.
?? The Paris Agreement's objective is to limit temperature increase; adopting low-carbon gases like bio-CNG is crucial to achieve net #zero #emissions by 2050.
??India's Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (#MNRE) estimates a significant bio-CNG production potential of around 62 million metric tonnes, leading to several #government initiatives for accelerating bio-CNG #projects.
??Diverse provisions in India promote bio-CNG:?
?Sustainable Alternative Towards Affordable Transportation (#SATAT), MNRE's Waste-to-Energy, Swachh Bharat Mission (#SBM), and GOBAR-Dhan plan.
?SATAT aims to produce 15 MMTPA Bio-CNG by 2024, meeting 32% of current LNG demand.
??Waste-to-Energy program supports #biogas/bio-CNG projects using various #waste #sources, offering #financial assistance.
??GOBAR-Dhan scheme converts #biowaste into biogas and organic manure, #establishing new waste-to-wealth plants.
??Bio-CNG benefits include #renewable #energy #generation, reduced #emissions, improved #airquality, and #health benefits.
??Vehicle fuel reduces #emissions of air pollutants like particulate matter (#PM), nitrogen oxides (#NOx), and sulfur oxides (#SOx), leading to improved air quality and better #publichealth.
??Establishing bio-CNG production units in rural areas offers decentralized energy production, #employment #opportunities, and income #generation.
??Bio-CNG projects utilize agricultural residues and organic waste, supporting the agricultural sector and reducing migration to urban areas.
??Bio-CNG production promotes effective #wastemanagement by diverting #organicwaste from #landfills, improving #sanitation and #hygiene, and reducing #disease risks.
??Bio-CNG projects in India are eligible for #carboncredits, contributing to #greenhouse gas emission #ghg reduction and aligning with sustainable development goals.
??Benefits of Bio-CNG Plants:
?Energy Security: Bio-CNG production facilities enhance #energysecurity.
?Environmental Sustainability: Bio-CNG offers #eco-friendly energy production.
???Gruner Renewable Energy
???Bioenergy production
???Greenhouse gas emissions
???Fossil fuel
???Rural development
???Government of India
???Waste management
Source(s):? 1. https://www.energetica-india.net/articles/boosting-the-economy-of-india-with-energy-harvesting-bio-cng-plants?
#GRE #GreenEnergyHarvesting #renewableenergy #wastetoenergy #solarenergy #renewableenergy? #wastemanagement #energy #industries #energyindustry #consulting #technology #innovation #support #engineers #researchers #collaborator #professionals #entrepreneurs #workingprofessionals #cfd #cfdsolutions #solutions #computationalexpert #analysis #costeffective #industries #industrial #industry #rnd #scienceandtechnology #technology #innovation #organization #research #engineering #digital #digitaltwin #al #ml #iot #cloudcomputing #aws #ec2 #DrRajSaini #rajsainiexpert #rajcfd #rajfea #rajfsi #rksts