Raj Kapoor's Soviet taxi, and sunflower oil
India Wants to Know Quiz (IWTKquiz)
Making India smarter & kinder, one amazing fact at a time! We are on Twitter and Instagram @IWTKquiz
Hello friends
You doubtless have seen the news, but Vladimir seems to be Putin his foot down to claim Ukraine as part of Russia. This from a man who once said
?“Whoever does not miss the Soviet Union has no heart, whoever wants it back has no brain”
Putin has put himself in the limelight by trying to annex Ukraine in an attempt to bring back the gory glory?days of the Soviet Union. In this week’s newsletter we try to understand the Indian and Russian/Soviet Union relationship a bit more.?
Things we learnt this week ??
3. And speaking of traffic - If you’ve ever visited Bangalore, one of its attractions is a full sized light combat aircraft, sitting majestically at the centre of a square, near the cricket stadium.?This square is called Minsk Square, named in honor of the twin city of Bangalore, all the way in Belarus.?Interestingly, Minsk also has a Bangalore square and is called the Silicon Valley of Belarus. Wonder if there is a silk board also in Minsk??
From IWTK, with love ??
Quiz Alert ??
What’s better than 1 quiz announcement? THREE quiz announcements ??
2. The Ultimate Batman Quiz- Saturday, March 5th, 8pm. ??? To celebrate the return of the caped crusader, head over to our Instagram page?@iwtkquiz?on March 5th at 8pm to take part in this awesome quiz!
3. Behen Nation Quiz?- Sunday, March 6th, 4pm. We’re delighted to present our long awaited third edition of The Behen Nation Quiz, Women's day special - a quiz by women, for women, and celebrating women!
Stay hydrated!