Raising a Rock Star, We Love You, Quincy Jo!

Raising a Rock Star, We Love You, Quincy Jo!

“Happiness is having a large, loving, caring, close-knit family in another city.” — George Burns

Hello from the valley home, PVHT is destroying her Monkey Goat, my wife is upstairs scrolling on her phone, the coffee is made, and it looks like a beautiful day in the Hoosier state. Our yard is luscious, green, and looks like something out of a magazine. Thank you, Doug and Dana Peters, for your work; year after year, you make our home look like a palace.

I worked around the house yesterday; we had meetings in the morning, then went to do some medical treatments for older people. We left there and met our friend Paul, a new friend in town, the songwriter and musician Don Rodriguiz, a man who looks like Dave Grohl and sounds like Jack Black. An interesting man that will one day play at our mountain house theater.

We walked home, took PVHT for a walk around the hood; she’s getting better, no longer tugging as much, she listens to our commands. Hiring a dog trainer was a good move for our family; thank you, Amy. Since we had not had time to fill our cupboards, we headed to Costco for a quick run for staples, wine, food for this weekend, essentials.

We got home; I ran up and changed into my nice Dad gear and headed up solo to meet my ex-wife, daughter, and husband to watch our youngest walk across the stage and get her master’s degree. I met them at Jo’s house, we hung out, Sis unwrapped a few gifts, I made sure to take some homemade soap to them as gifts (thanks, Esta). The plan was to arrive at the football stadium at 6:00, sit until 7:00, the program would last an hour and a half, and then get the world-famous Pizza King Pizza. God had other plans; we arrived, sat in our assigned seats, and then an announcement was made, “Inclement Weather is Imminent, please return to your car!” We will resume at 8:00 p.m. This turn of events was not a bad thing; it gave us an hour and a half; we were 1 mile from a pizza king, we headed and got our pies, I had a beer, the rest had water, we laughed and got caught up on each other’s busy lives.

We headed back to Schumen Stadium and got our seats, it was a little chilly, but it didn’t matter; our kid had accomplished something extraordinary. She scored a 3.98 GPA in undergrad and a 4.0 in her master’s. She had already secured a job that will allow her and her husband to build wealth and help others. We did well with this one and the rest of our brood.

We headed back to Jo’s house; we sat in her drive and caught up about the local church lady from Beautiful Parker City that now is posting nudes online. A twist of events that makes an M Night Shyamalan twist look like child’s play. According to my daughter, it isn’t perfect because her pseudo names are both biblical. Not judging, you do you, but damn church lady, good on you for releasing that pent-up energy. You may want to get some therapy; it’s not normal to have our downtown bonanza and cash and prizes out for the world to see.

I got to see my son-in-laws newest project, a humidor for his father’s rare collection of acoustic guitars. The kid is a genius, can take wood and make anything; he’s my daughter’s prince, and the love they show is storybook stuff. I gave hugs to all and headed back home. I got home about 10:30, sat with my wife, and shared the events, a magical day for all.

We’re leaving soon to take our dog to our other daughters; she has a dog named Griffy; Griffy and PVHT are best friends, they will run all afternoon in our middle kids’ back yard. We are heading a little north to meet my daughter, son-in-law, ex-wife, mom and dad, and some others to celebrate mothers day and graduation. 

Tomorrow we head east to see my mother-in-law and my wife’s family. It’s good to catch up with everyone; starting Monday, we rejoin society, running and gunning in-person appointments every day for the next 30 days. I love my life, I love my wife, I love our blended family, and I love that you took a minute to read about my travels and the success of my daughter. There is no enlightenment here, just random thoughts from a valley baby that now spends some time on top of a mountain.

I would share that having a good relationship with my ex is key to my happiness; our marriage did not work out, but when we connect, it’s always fun, we laugh, she ribs me for some past transgressions, I can make her laugh. We’re friends that share the joy of making two amazing kids. I hope if you are divorced, you too can get along with the mother or father of your kids; it’s essential. 

My Queen is beckoning me; I need to shower; we have a long day of driving, meeting, connecting, celebrating, and giving love to our family. I hope these words find you well; you are reading the words of the happiest man you will encounter today. Try and find people with a similar mindset and enjoy the many minutes you have been given by something bigger than yourself.

“Happiness is having a large, loving, caring, close-knit family in another city.”

— George Burns


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