Raising Awareness and Funds
At Steinger, Greene & Feiner, we strongly believe in lending a helping hand to our community in any way we can. Breast cancer research is one of the causes that we hold very close to our hearts. That's why, throughout the entire month of October, we dedicated ourselves to supporting this cause and raising awareness about it.
Donation for Breast Cancer Research
We understand that breast cancer affects a lot of people and even some of our employees and their loved ones. Therefore, we felt proud to support this important cause in multiple ways. We donated a $5,000 check to Play for P.I.N.K., a non-profit that contributes 100% of their raised funds to breast cancer research. This marked our fifth year of sponsoring Play for P.I.N.K. We were also honored to participate in the golfing tournament that took place at Eastpointe in Palm Beach Gardens on October 17.
Pink Week at the Offices
One of the highlights of our month-long efforts was Pink Week at the office. We held several Pink Events for an entire week to raise awareness and funds for breast cancer research. We had Pink Treats, Pink Bows, Pink Socks, Pink Accessories, and even a Pink Out Day! All of these events were in support of Breast Cancer awareness.
Raising Money and Awareness
Steinger Greene and Feiner Texas offices also participated in Making Strides Against Breast Cancer, where we raised $2,000 for the American Cancer Society's mission to end cancer as we know it. During this event, everyone from each office walked to show their support. Moreover, we also raised funds and walked for the Susan G. Komen More Than Pink Walk.
Our Support for Breast Cancer Research
We are proud to be part of a community that is passionate about supporting breast cancer research. At Steinger, Greene & Feiner, we are dedicated to helping injury victims with their personal injury claims. However, we also believe in giving back to our community in many ways. With our support, we can help with breakthroughs in detection, prevention, treatment, and survivorship.
We hope that our efforts will make a difference in the fight against breast cancer. If there is anything we can do to help you today, please let us know.