Raise Your Standard - Dealing With Data Kingdoms
We all know what is required for correctness in our corporate data; measured, valid and secure. But, the corporate world of data is a tricky place to operate. Each data source is its own kingdom with its own set of rulers, traditions and standards. Credibility is built up from years of producing results. Connections between leadership and kings can be a major influence. When you come in as data leadership, you will instantly be viewed with suspicion - here is a new layer of management to get in the way and slow progress on actual projects.
In reality you are in a difficult position, you trying to bring standards to an organization this is used to operating on its own, and you will need everybody to buy in because they will be implementing these standards for each organization.
Your starting point is always going to be a simple data strategy document. It should not be more than two pages. It should NOT examine the current situation. It should be your philosophy stated with complete transparency. Explain measured, valid and secure. How they are implemented, what they provide and the risks of not implementing. The target audience is everybody - management and technical. This is the best way to bring your ideas forward. Everybody will then know what their weaknesses are. You don't need to make enemies, but you do need to apply pressure carefully.
The next step is bringing all the groups together and discussing priorities and implementation. This is the standardization - you get everything from the strategy document, and nobody gets to filter out pieces they would rather avoid. You also get a joint roadmap and an agreed timeline.
The greatest benefit for you is that you have wedged yourself into each kingdom, and introduced transparency in all things data and without throwing a rock into the pond.