Raise Your Frequency

Raise Your Frequency

I once went for a talk titled ‘The Billionaire Mindset’. The speaker mentioned something that I will always remember.?“If you want to be a billionaire, you have to think in billions, plan in billions, network with those who have billions, read about billions”.?I currently do none of these and hence why I am not a billionaire. You attract wealth by raising how you operate. In other words, your frequency. If you want to listen to Capital FM, you cannot tune into 28.4 and expect to hear it. What you want out of life has a frequency. The more you want the higher the frequency. Sometimes your seasons change in life and the frequency that worked last season, don’t get you to the radio station you want to listen to anymore.

“The mistake we make is limiting ourselves by our current resources rather than raising the vibration”

?I started this company by planning money for people when I was in the darkest financial period in my life. As inadequate and unprepared as I felt, I went ahead and started helping people with their money which led to what Centonomy is today. I went and sat in events/seminars that were above my level. I read books. I had the right conversations. I pitched to big companies.?You raise your frequency by doing things not according to how you feel or what you have or what your status looks like today but for where you want to go. You don’t get out of debt by dwelling in debt but by figuring out how to make extra income. The frequency that worked to get you in debt, is not the same one that will get you out of debt. Seek not only the investments you can afford today but the ones you need tomorrow and figure out how to make them happen.?Raise your mind.

Operating at this frequency has a responsibility. You cannot cheat the frequency. If you put 98.2 you may get to hear a bit of Capital FM but it will be unclear. So the biggest responsibility is this;?How you talk, how you think and how you act have to speak the same language.?My favourite book tells me that power of life and death are actually in the tongue.?In other words, you have spoken your way into the life you have.?You speak to get your job, clients in your business, relationships in your life even marriage. A lot has come your way that speaking played a part in.

‘What has not come your way because you spoke yourself out of it?’

You lowered the frequency. You complained about your boss, company, business, country and even traffic. Yes, all these may have been challenges but if there is traffic don’t complain; leave earlier, later, avoid the route all together! Sell the logic of working from home OR if it bothers you that much put your hand up and play a role in resolving traffic.?Watch how you speak to yourself through your thoughts.?Reject the thoughts that don’t work for you. Those that say you are not good enough because you don’t have this or that. Or this will never happen for you. You will have made mistakes but give yourself a break and let it go. My favourite book also says we should take our thoughts captive.

‘You are not a slave to your thinking but the master of your thinking’.

The other responsibility is time. There is no instant gratification. A book I once read quoted that ‘if you want to discover new land you have to be willing not to see the shore for a while’. You will create wealth if you invest the time and put faith behind it even when you can’t see results.

Line up your actions with what you want. You can’t attract wealth by being more focused on what people will say about you. You do you. You can’t spend irresponsibly on a day to day basis yet have dreams of traveling the world. You can’t want to build a career and quit because somebody had a bad day and yelled at you. You can’t want to build a business and quit because it didn’t make money in 3 months. You can’t want to build investments but spend your bonus upgrading cars. You can’t want to save up for your kid’s college yet not do the calculations to tell you what you should be working towards. Wealth Creation and the “I am broke” conversations with scarcity mindsets do not co-exist. Money responds to this energy. To decision. To intent.

Life doesn’t necessarily give you what you want. It gives you who you are (character). What you are ready to learn, what you are ready to overcome, what you are ready to believe, what you are ready to act on no matter how uncomfortable it is. Most importantly, the things that you have decided that nothing and nobody is going to get in your way. The question you need to ask yourself is

Are you really ready for what you want?

Article by Waceke Nduati


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