Rainy Day and Poor Me with Empty Pockets
Today is a beautiful day with little raining outside and everything feels so refreshing. Wind is blowing, clouds are all over the sky and sun is not getting a chance to shine because clouds are guarding it like it’s a dangerous day for sun to come out.
???????????And here I’m sitting in a room with empty pockets switching between YouTube and Netflix while texting my best friend as he’s going abroad for the studies and asking my cousins to go out for a walk and chill because I like to walk in such good weather and eating or drinking something that works like a sweet top on such good weather. But you know what? None of my cousins want to go out as they are not a big fan of walking or going out without any reason and it kind of makes me sad.
???????????Sometimes I think that what if I was born in a place where the weather is always cool, people are always friendly no matter what, you can get stuff even if your pockets are empty, you can go to walk with anyone regardless of your connection/relation with that person, you can climb to the mountains without any danger of falling, you can love someone without getting heart broken, you can help without expecting anything in return, you can trust anyone without any doubts, I can go on and on but you get what I want to say. But I know such things only happen to exist in FANTASIES.
???????????I think a lot like what If I was born in a Royal Family and I didn’t need to earn for myself or to live my life. Where I could spend as much money as I want and nobody will be asking about my expenditures. Because whenever I see someone rich, I kind of think like why I’m not rich like him/her. I know it’s not good to criticize on God’s distribution but sometimes I think, WHY ME/ WHY THIS DIFFERENCE?
???????????I know it sounds insane but I believe that one day I’ll be the rich person and people will see me and wonder what if they were rich like me and I also know that it’s weird to think because MY POCKETS ARE EMPTY.