A Rainy Day of Caring for 2022
Volunteer Center of the Lehigh Valley
Volunteer Center of the Lehigh Valley
By Sierra Mamay, Youth Programs Coordinator Volunteer Center of the Lehigh Valley
Day of Caring; is the largest one-day mobilization of volunteers within the Greater Lehigh Valley and beyond. Organized by the Volunteer Center of the Lehigh Valley, Day of Caring serves as the annual kickoff for the United Way of the Greater Lehigh Valley Campaign. The single-day brings together hundreds of corporate volunteers and allows them to be the impact that local schools and nonprofit organizations receive and cherish. “So many of us here at nonprofits are understaffed,” said Deirdre Govan, Resource Development Manager at Salvation Army. “So when we get a lot of volunteers like we do at Day of Caring, we are truly appreciative of it.” The impact that Day of Caring has on the nonprofit community is truly outstanding, and each year, the efforts by the Volunteer Center continue to grow and become more streamlined.
For 2022, the 29th annual United Way campaign had the intent of having over 700 volunteers complete over 50 different projects for 40 nonprofit organizations. However, when “the rain put a damper on things,” many outdoor projects were postponed to a later date, but over 500 volunteers braved the storm and were determined to make this year’s Day of Caring one to remember.
As the rain poured down on that early Thursday morning, the staff and board members of the Volunteer Center of the Lehigh Valley, along with United Way of the Greater Lehigh Valley, huddled at Coca-Cola Park at 7:30 am to pack, sort, and deliver lunches to each of the teams at each project location. Over 500 lunches were packed and the surplus of snacks and sandwiches was given to IronPigs staff. Drivers ran back and forth in between the rainfall to pile the lunches into cars, while a few dozen tiny baseball campers stood by watching, knocking their cleats across the concrete as they too, hoped for the storm to pass.
By 11:30 am, every single volunteer had received a lunch with Wegman's sandwiches, assorted snacks, and candies from our sponsors to help them refuel on their well-deserved breaks. “It's SO helpful having lunches delivered for me,” said Meg Dowd, Just Born Quality Confections. “It's one less thing I need to find room for and run around to get myself.”
Day of Caring is about spreading kindness and support, and every person involved, volunteer or not, is a part of that. Once volunteers completed their projects, most walked away sopping wet, but all with a well-deserved sense of fulfillment. “Despite the rain, they completed all tasks,” said Jamie Bickert, The Children’s Home of Easton. “They were excited to help which made the experience that much better.” Even with some projects rescheduled, the day still ended with 40 nonprofit projects being completed by 32 companies, with a total of 2,800 hours of time given by 500 volunteers.
The single day of impact remained a success with those who were able to participate. “Everyone showed up ready to learn, work, and share,” said Maria Shior, Bethlehem Emergency Sheltering. “I could not have asked for a better group of folks to serve with us.”
For most Lehigh Valley nonprofits, this day is one they look forward to each year as they are overwhelmed with the love and support that the spirit of volunteerism brings. On that rainy June 23rd, each of the individuals who came together to make a difference did just that. All the local schools and nonprofits had incredible projects completed for them, with the only cost being time given by others. “The staff of the Volunteer Center of the Lehigh Valley should be proud of their efforts,” said Thomas Hard, Kiwanis Club of Allentown, “and their impact on the community!”
On top of that, almost every rained-out project has been rescheduled, and many have already been completed. Every single day, the Volunteer Center of the Lehigh Valley makes an impact on the community, and some of those days, like Day of Caring, have such a lasting impact on everyone involved. “Thank you is not enough to express our appreciation for what they have done for us,” said Jamie Bickert, The Children's Home of Easton. The Volunteer Center managed to coordinate, yet again, another incredible (rainy) Day of Caring for 2022.
The impact will carry into next year for the 2023 Day of Caring, as new and returning volunteers get involved and become a part of something bigger. Join the Day next summer to experience the greatest acts of selflessness and see the difference you can make in the nonprofit community.