Rainmaking Recommendation #162: You Don’t Need to Take Every Client
Jaimie Field
Enlightened Rainmaking Coach Transforming Attorneys' Mindsets & Skills | Igniting Brand Exposure and Client Acquisition | Driving Business Development and Marketing Impacts for Lawyers and Law Firms
I’m in a facebook group with a lot of really great attorneys. And recently, there has been a spate of posts which detail the obnoxiousness that some attorneys face with potential clients who are contacting them.
Many lawyers, particularly small firm and solo attorneys, are working with the notion that if they don’t take every client who contacts them or walks into the door, they will never get another client. Even attorneys in large law firms may feel the need to take THAT client. In psychology and the personal development field, this is known as the “scarcity mentality”.
After the 2008 recession, many lawyers would take whatever cases they could – even if they had no experience practicing in that area of law. Without going into the ethical considerations of competent representation (RPC 1.1), many attorneys are still laboring under this scarcity mentality and allow themselves to be retained by anyone who calls – even the hellacious clients.
So you take the client and live through the torture of working with them.
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