The Rainmaker Culture Digest

The Rainmaker Culture Digest

Rainmaker receives ISO 27001 certification

Rainmaker is proud to announce its achievement of the ISO 27001 certification, demonstrating our dedication to upholding the highest levels of information security, protecting client data, and ensuring operational resilience. This accomplishment was made possible through the hard work and attention to detail of our teams, and we extend our gratitude to our clients and partners for their ongoing trust and support.

What exactly are ERGs, and why do they matter for your organization?

Employee Resource Groups (ERGs) are voluntary, employee-led communities built around shared characteristics, interests, or experiences, like race, gender, or disability. Read our post to learn more.

What is nonconscious bias?

What are nonconscious biases and how do they impact employee attraction, retention and wellbeing? We explore this prevalent topic in this video and share actionable insights on how to make your organization an inclusive workplace.

Embracing Diversity: Menstruation Beyond Gender Norms

Menstruation is a natural, monthly biological process that extends beyond a few days of the period cycle. It involves hormonal changes, pain and discomfort, and unique experiences for each individual. Read our blog post to understand why it's essential to broaden our perceptions of menstruation in order to create workplaces (and eventually a society) that are equitable and inclusive.

From Policy to Action: Delhi Police Sets an Example for PwD Inclusion

Barack Obama once said, "We live in a moment when the dream of equal opportunity is within reach." This vision takes shape as the Delhi Police recruits 15 constables with disabilities as part of its Equal Opportunity Policy for Persons with Disabilities. Click on the link below to learn more.

Contact us for our culture and compliance solutions:

e-modules, workshops and more.

Ph: +91 90290 00180



