Rain, hail or.. new projects?
I’m writing to you from Silverdene Stud and Agistment in Lyndhurst, Victoria, watching a rider circle her trainer on a beautiful horse, another pacing slowly at the back of the covered arena. Outside my partner Nic is with her horse Zephyr, exercising him in the outdoor round yard, the rain is beating down and if hail or shine, day in day out these animals are getting tremendously cared for..
As someone who’s spent my life outside of the horse industry it’s been a surprise and caused me to question some fundamental world views. My father was a staunch and verbal opponent of the horse racing industry, some of my social circle are driving forces behind ‘nup to the cup’ and a few years back, I supported one of the worlds most ardent Vegan activists, an ex-Citibank VP turned humanitarian and financial backer of things like Sea Shepherd, turning into a house hold name amonst the Vegan and animal rights commmunity globally.
His name is Philip Wollen OAM , and regardless of where you sit on the spectrum (I’m an omnivore), taking the time to consider other perspectives is the essence of a considered life, check it out;
Nearing 1M views on YouTube since we put it up in 2013 and having viewers from 18 countries sending us translations for the subtitles, when I got in Facebook through a partner network it really took off;
I even got to meet Sir David Attenborough when he presented Sir David with the ‘kindness medal’ in 2012 (and I fired him a question in the closing 30 seconds of the video) check it out;
This leads me to ask;
What have you changed your mind about recently? Or what position are you sticking to, and what could you learn from considering another perspective?
What collateral, video content or existing endevour do you have for your business, investment fund or personal endevour, that could be reused and amplified by taking it to a new audience? What do your leverage points look like? Do you need to find new ones?
How do you begin? And when are your done?
I’m kicking off a new project I’m really excited for and ‘the way we work together’ and the systems we use are always up for improvement. My clients often have established ways of working, though some are complete greenfields, usually this occurs when people are drowning in email and attachments with overlapping versions.
Above you can see our Trello board, which is a project management tool from Atlassian . Things move through stages and each has it’s own definition, though I’d highlight to you the last two. They rely on understanding the ‘Definition of Done’.
In our case at Bravo Charlie, I define ‘done’ as ‘deployed’ which you can see in the last column. This means customers are using it, it’s updated to a website, the relevant person has the collateral in their hands and so on.. a lot of time people say things are ‘done’ though they aren’t active in the environment..
What is your definition of done? Throughout your organisation, how does the definition of done vary? Do relevant people clearly understand it, and can they articulate it to you if asked?
Responsible Investment Australia 2023
We’re two weeks out from RIAA 2023 in Melbourne, and off the back of the Climate Investor Forum a few weeks ago which you can read about via this summary, I’m keen to hear from the speakers and will be doing some roving interviews if you want to come and have a chat.
The forums tagline is ‘Scaling new heights in ESG and impact’ ;
What does a new high look like for your organisation? Would it be meaningful for you to achieve? How would you measure that success?
Thanks for reading, I’ll speak to you next week, and as always, I really appreciate knowing you’re getting something out of this, so please like the heart icon and if you feel called leave a comment.