Rail Weigh in Motion and Wheel Defect Detector
Barry Cousins
Design and Manufacture of Engineering Instrumentation, Test Systems, Software and Condition Monitoring Products
Weigh in Motion Wheel Impact Monitor (WIMWIM)
High impact loads could lead to breaks in the rail system. Delayed customer payloads, unproductive track time and secondary damage of equipment & track increase costs dramatically. In a worst case scenario, broken rails can lead to a derailment.
The WIMWIM is a retrofit real time monitoring and defect detection system. With WIMWIM problems and faults are indicated and reported before major damage or expenses can occur.
The system comprises multiple measuring cells configured to measure vertical loads designed to provide full wheel coverage.
Skew bogies are identified by the measurement of lateral forces induced on the rails.
In motion mass measurements are determined for wheel, axle and wagon loads with load distribution.
Automatic identification of damaging loads to the rail infrastructure ensure safe operation of trains with significant cost savings from reduced maintenance and ad-hoc repairs.
Typical installation on heavy haul railway lines can measure impacts up to 70 tons at speeds up to 100km/h.
The system includes automated dynamic calibration routines to give a mass accuracy of approximately 2%-5%*
RFID detectors compliment the system by identifying culprit wagon or locomotive
Additional Products Developed for the Rail Industry
■ Angle of Attack Detector
■ Continuous Welded Rail Monitoring
■ Load Measurement Wheel-set (wheel/rail force interactions)
■ Rail Dynamics Systems
■ Data Acquisition Systems used in the Commissioning of new Locomotives and Bogies
■ Static and In-Motion Weighbridges
■ Vision Systems – mainly non contacting displacement systems
■ Intelligent Wagon
■ Locomotive Engine Test Bench
■ Passenger Rail Ride Quality Test System
■ Automated Rail Lifting Frame for Long Stress Detection
For more information on your customised solution, contact Gamma Engineering