Rail Analysis Weekly Newsletter
Rail Analysis - Insights
Rail Analysis is the Most Prominent magazine on Railways, Metro and High Speed Rail projects in India.
Exclusive Interview with Mr. Rohit Saboo, President and CEO, National Engineering Industries Limited
We have also started looking for new business prospects in the industrial and rail sectors while concentrating on enhancing our own efficiencies as a plan to de-risk the automobile industry.
Product Expertise: We are trustworthy, safe, reliable, quick and efficient and flexible to adapt to each of our customers needs and requirements
1989 was years starting a new Era in the field of Quality Hydraulics. Now famous Hydropack was established by a group of young technocrats who were rich by experience and knowledge In the field.
Insights on USBRL project undertaken by Indian Railways for construction of a broad-gauge railway line connecting the Kashmir region with the rest of the country
The USBRL (Udhampur Srinagar Baramulla Rail Link) is a National project undertaken by the Indian Railways for construction of a broad-gauge railway line through the Himalayas, with the aim of connecting the Kashmir region with the rest of the country.
RailTel invites tender for upgradation of signalling with electronic interlocking at 4 stations of FZR division
RailTel Corporation of India has invited tenders for Construction of EI buildings in c/w upgradation of signalling from Std-I to Std-IIR with Electronic Interlocking at 4 stations i.e Malsian Shakot, Nakodar, Nurmahal and Bilga LNKPHR section of FZR division including internal electrification of buildings.
Chennai Metro Update: Tender invited for supply of brake blocks for CMRL phase -1 Rolling Stock
Chennai Metro Rail Limited (CMRL) has invited digitally signed open e-tender through e-procurement portal for supply of brake blocks for CMRL phase -1 Rolling Stock.
GMRC invites tender for traction maintenance activities and manning of 132 KV receiving substation of phase-1
Gujarat Metro Rail Corporation (GMRC) Ltd. invites open tenders from eligible applicants, who fulfil qualification criteria for Traction maintenance activities for 132 KV switchyard & 33KV auxiliary sub-stations and manning of 132 KV receiving substation of phase-1 for Gujarat Metro Rail Corporation Ltd.
RRTS Update: NCRTC implementing Double-Tap AFC system for the country’s first Delhi-Ghaziabad-Meerut RRTS corridor
With the implementation of the Delhi-Ghaziabad-Meerut RRTS corridor, team National Capital Region Transport Corporation (NCRTC) is all set to bring in the country’s first
Mr. Shixin Chen, Vice President of ADB inaugurates the Centre of Innovation at the Duhai Depot and visits various construction sites of Delhi-Ghaziabad-Meerut RRTS corridor
Vice President of Asian Development Bank (ADB), Mr. Shixin Chen, on his one-day visit, inaugurated the Centre of Innovation established at the Duhai Depot.
KEC International bags new orders of Rs. 1,108 crores in Indian and International market
KEC International Ltd., a global infrastructure EPC major, an RPG Group Company, has secured new orders of Rs. 1,108 crores across its various businesses.
N.F. Railway Update: Revamping infrastructure of rolling stock workshops to increase overhauling capacity of coaches & wagons
With the aim to improve passenger safety and comfort, N.F. Railway has taken major steps by replacing the existing conventional rakes with the Linke Hofmann Busch (LHB) design rakes.