That rain had some effect on me
After having a scorching hot summer month, I walked out to a light drizzle. Not wanting to go back and fetch an umbrella I walked on.?
Midway to my destination, the clouds opened, and I was drenched in a New York minute. I stopped by at a store and bought an umbrella. Somehow, I couldn’t open it up and the store owner offered to help me. He said, “First you push it up, shake it a bit and push it up some more until you hear a click. There you go, it is a beautiful umbrella.†And I thought, “They still have this type of umbrella? Am I not supposed to just push a button and the umbrella opens?†Anyhow, I paid for the umbrella and continued to my destination.
As I walked into the bank, I asked the security guard if I can leave my umbrella at the vestibule. He said, “No.†I entered the bank's main hall and notice my umbrella is dripping rainwater on the floor. Thinking out loud, I said, “There is no umbrella stand? No plastic bag for umbrellas?†I walked back to the vestibule and said, “I will just leave it here. It is just my conscience.†Thinking I do not want anyone to slip on a wet floor.
Meanwhile, the security guard was following me back and forth. Stood by me at the teller’s cubicle and asked, “How old are you?†I do not want to answer him. So, I turned to the receptionist and asked. “How old are you?†He answered, “Thirty.†I turned to the teller and asked him, “How old are you?†He answered, “Thirty-seven.†Then rubbing his beard, he added, “I look even younger when I am clean-shaven.†The guard agreed. He said to the teller, “Yes, you look very young.†The guard stayed standing there looking down at me. I think he is 6 feet tall. With his chin jutting up in the air he waited for me to tell him my age. At which point the teller said, “How would you like this Ms. Ibanez.?†Without taking my eyes off the guard I answered, “Twenties.â€
Afterward, I walked off picked up my umbrella, and stood at the vestibule for a while. The splashing pouring rain was gone and sunlight bore down on the street as if to wipe the raindrops out ever so quickly.
Thinking aloud I said, “That was just a passing rain? (I was hoping for a long-extended downpour on a hot summer day.) I am soaked, my dress is plastered to my back, and I am cold!†The bank’s air-conditioning system was born on my back. I could almost shiver. I turned to leave and notice a lady standing next to me, watching me closely trying hard to stifle a giggle. She giggled softly as she cannot hold it to herself. It must have been quite a sight. A wet lady in the bank. Walking out soaked under an umbrella on a scorching hot day ….. again.?
Surely, the heavens must have had a rain bucket challenge on me. For a moment it made me chatty or perhaps chattery from the cold freezing summer rain.