Rage is real.
Louisa Hussey
Menopause Trainer / EFT / Smart Works Partnerships / Panellist / Pretending to be Kylie.
And it can be explosive. Volatile. Unexpected. And exhausting. I know this very, very well.
Maybe yours is totally irrational, and appears out of nowhere. Or maybe yours creeps up on you, like a weird shadow and before you know it, you're putting curses on the bin men for leaving your bin two houses down, and then you're writing complaint emails to the council in a flurry of smoke and steam, and your kids are just trying to eat their rice krispies trying not to get in the way??
Either way. It's not very nice. So, how do we treat it?
Firstly I've got to tell you, anger and rage is one of my FAVOURITE emotions to work with. It's visceral and physical - and in that sense, quite easy to manage.
Having said that, if you've never done anything with your rage, then it can be quite frightening when it ramps up a gear.
So, here are my top tips.
1) Locate it. What that means is, WHERE in your body do you have the sensations of anger. Is it in your face (hello frowny, scowly faces), with frowns, hot flushed cheeks and tense set jaws? Is it in your fists, or your shoulders - hunched and raised. Or maybe you feel it in your head as a whole - like it's going to explode right off your shoulders.
2) When you've figured out where it is, see if you can start to 'catch it' and notice when it's starting to appear. I often ask my clients, right when you feel it, what's the thought that accompanies it. Usually you might hear yourself say something like 'ffs' or WTAF' or similar...
3) Then when you've got those two - I'd like to suggest you give it a character, a name, or a cartoon style appearance. What we're doing is separating it from you. So, we can start thinking 'This isn't me, it's just something that's happening to me'. So you can start thinking 'ah, it's creeping up' or recognising it when it starts to appear. Or you can even go one step further and think 'oh hello mate!' instead of suddenly being aware that you've been deep in the volcanoes of rage for weeks, and it's impacting everything and everyone around you.
Now, rage and anger is often a really useful emotion. It's telling you VERY CLEARLY AND LOUDLY where there is unfairness, or something to be done. It'll let you know quite obviously where there is injustice or insult. And I'll be honest, I recommend listening to it - and channeling it into something productive if at all possible. Ignoring it can be fairly hard, and also, it might mean that you internalise it - which can lead to some unwelcome behaviours or conversations.
So, my advice here - decide whether your rage is welcome. Or not. You get to be in charge of what you do with it. If it's seeping into your very bone marrow, and affecting everyone around you, question - is that ok for you? Is this how you want to live?
And if yes, then by all means - carry on!
But if the answer is no? Well, then we tap. We get RIGHT INTO the gross, Violet Beauregarde tantrum stampy foot-ness of it all, and bellow it into existance. Roaring is fun. Literally - scream and shout about the unfairness, the injustice and the down right audacity of them / it / whatever. I LOVE doing this with clients, because quite often, they have never ever EVER actually said what they really wanted to say.
And that is cathartic. It's the ultimate release. A reverse org*sm if you will.
So try that. And if you need a room to do it in, then message me. I've got the perfect one. It's The Peri-Peri Course and we start on October 18th.
The link is here https://louisahussey.lpages.co/peripericourse/
See you there? Louisa x