A Rage Blackout
It was definitely a busy day again which was just fine by me, and fortunately, it looks like another one of my listings will end up being sold once I get the seller's signatures tomorrow morning. As I've said many-a-time, every home has a buyer.
Most of my morning was taken up with chasing after sympathy cards for three funerals that were coming up, and one of them happened to take place around mid-morning which I made sure to attend.
Having not been in that church for some time, I found myself noticing things which were always there, but never paid that much attention to, which turned into one of those sessions where the more you notice, the more you look.
Whomever was at the keyboard playing those funeral-appropriate hymns, was definitely working very hard at adding as many frills and spills to where they were absolutely annoying, and especially knowing those hymns were not being played anywhere near the way were intentionally written. Of course to top in off, the soloist's vibrato was stuck in high gear, which was making me wonder if they were trying to re-awaken the dead. My last little annoyance, was seeing the pastor reading the funeral sermon from a personal 'script', so by the time it ended, I considered that funeral anything but uplifting or solemn. Oh well, it appears the way in which funerals are being conducted at that church, has also changed.
I did have a very soulful chat with one of the resident of Prairie Place on 1st who happened to be at that funeral, and by the time I'd given her a good-bye hug, a good twenty or more minutes had passed. Because she was asking about my upbringing, number of siblings, where I was in the 'line', along with mentioning my close relationship with my mother, I walked out of that church knowing our conversation would end up being the highlight of my day. She truly is a kind and gentle woman.
Another good showing took place over at the building I have listed at 118 N. Federal to where we ended up being there for a good two hours, and since I'm fully familiar with its components, the buyers were even more thankful over my spending the extra time with them. For whatever reason, I've got this 'feeling' they'll end up being its new owners. When you stop to think about it, there are only about four or five buildings still standing in our downtown which were built prior to 1874. Now that's something to write home about.
It looks like next week is going to be a busy one because I've now got two properties scheduled to list for sale, and one of them is going to be a work in progress, but at least the owner has already taken care of the big ticket items which most overlook. I'm hoping there'll be a handy buyer looking for a winter project, because that home would definitely fit the bill. Good bones, good neighborhood and good square footage is what you'll find.
While on the phone with a woman I'd gone to college with a number of years ago, we somehow ended up on the subject of those who get so angry at another, they later can't remember what was said, which my college friend referred to as a 'rage blackout', which was a dead-ringer to what I'd experienced from others over the years.
I couldn't help bringing up a certain 'reli' who'd fly into fits of rage on the phone over some of the silliest of things, and days later, not having even a notion of what she'd said. Of course after having endured more than enough of those 'rage blackouts', I sat down one day and carefully wrote a non-emotional letter stating I no longer wanted any personal or phone communications from her, and only because I believed no person deserves to be verbally bashed in such fashions. Well, the recipient evidently must've taken those words as a personal attack, which in turn caused some very punitive kicking-back, but for what it's worth, I'll continue to remain ever-happy I put a stop to it at the time. I often have to remind myself that people will use us as their whipping posts as long as we allow it, so in the end, it all comes back to how much we're willing to endure before we find ourselves losing our own sense of self worth. Right?
Tonight's One-liner is: Life does begin on the other side of despair.
original post .... https://niowarealty.net/life/2024/09/13/a-rage-blackout/