'Rage applying'? explained: Everything you need to know

'Rage applying' explained: Everything you need to know

The post-pandemic era is seeing transformational changes in the business world. Work policies and models from the past have now become outdated. Workplaces need to be people-oriented to drive success at their organizations.?

All these credits go to young millennials and Gen Z!?

They are bringing up issues that were always present in the workplace yet overlooked.

They are also becoming more aware of what they want from the organization. As a result, it’s a make-or-break situation for the companies.?

And this is how the ‘Rage applying’ trend came into the picture.?

What is ‘Rage applying’?

Rage applying: When employees are sending out resumes to different companies at the same time. Usually, when dissatisfied with the current workplace or job role.

This term originated recently when a user posted a video on TikTok. He wasn’t satisfied with his current job. Hence, started applying for different jobs. The user landed a job with higher pay and better working conditions.?

Although, this has been happening over a longer period. But, this got its name recently.?

Gen Z and young millennials are not only looking for better pay but also a good working environment too. The following are the reasons why rage applying is happening a lot nowadays:?

  • Work not acknowledged: Nobody likes to put effort into their work when it is not acknowledged. Especially, the new-age employees who walk away when their existence doesn’t matter.
  • Lack of growth: Nowadays, Upskilling has been an important factor to stay at work. If employees are finding their work stagnant, they look out for more opportunities.
  • Less pay: Although salary is not the only factor, it’s still an important one. Employees are becoming firm about ‘You get paid what you deserve’. Appraisals are not a mere word now but rather a main criteria where employees decide to stay or leave.?
  • Poor work culture: Gone are the days when poor aspects of work culture were overlooked. Overworking, and a toxic environment are a few of the reasons why employees choose to resign.

While above-mentioned are the internal reasons. Other factors that trigger employees to rage apply includes:?

  • High-inflation?
  • Financial debts?
  • Expenses?
  • Sole earner?

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Signs your employees might be rage applying

Note that there might be other reasons why your employees are acting this way. So, on the safer side, keep a check on them and their work.

A few of the signs are:?

  • They are less responsible towards work: Have you ever noticed how you stop putting in effort when no longer interested in it? The same happens with employees too! When they get dissatisfied with their work, they started missing deadlines. They also resist themselves to commit to long-term projects. As a result, their performance and enthusiasm started dropping.?
  • Higher absenteeism rate: It is important to take breaks. But, when it becomes higher, it needs attention. Employees who are rage applying may skip office hours to attend job interviews. This could be a red flag especially when their productivity level has also gone down.?
  • Negative attitude at the workplace: Anything that triggers can unconsciously change your attitude. Employees started having unfavorable attitudes toward their peers, employers, and work. They get easily irritated and usually withdraw from workplace discussions.?
  • Lost enthusiasm for the mission of the organization: It usually happens when you are disengaged from the work, you force yourself to complete it. The same happens with the employees when they are rage applying. They get so involved in applying for different jobs, they stop caring for the mission and goals of the organization.?
  • Indulging in presenteeism: Presenteeism happens when employees are physically present but their mind is somewhere else. You may observe that the employees started making needless errors and missing deadlines. They may also stop fulfilling their responsibilities at the workplace.

These are the common signs of rage applying. But, they can also be applicable to other situations. Such as when employees are feeling burnout, have a bad supervisor, or toxic environment. Before jumping to a conclusion, check it once. You can do it through anonymous surveys, one-on-one meetings, and 360-degree feedback with HuddleUp.

How to stop your employees from rage-applying?

As mentioned before, rage applying is usually seen in Gen Z and millennials. They want to prioritize other aspects of their life along with work. To stop your employees from rage-applying, you have to create a people-first work culture.

Below are a few ways you can do so:?

  • Open and honest communication: One-way communication is an older version of the organizational culture. To be a part of the workplace, employees want to be heard and voice their opinions. This is why encouraging open communication is a must for workplaces. Allow feedback from all levels and let them share their ideas and inputs.?
  • Figure out what’s lacking at the workplace: You know your employee is rage applying. Now what? You need to figure out what’s making them do so. Have one-on-one meetings with them to understand their concerns. You can introduce anonymous surveys so they can be open about their feedback.?
  • Acknowledge their work: You now understand better that it is not always about monetary or tangible rewards. Employees want to get recognized for their work and know their existence matters. By this, we didn’t mean to give them gifts always. A simple thank you after the job is done goes a long way too.?
  • Competitive salary: Always remember that your employees are an asset, not an expense. Ensure that you pay them that matches their work and industry rates. They too have a life outside of work and other important tasks.?

Besides this, you can also give monthly bonuses to top performers.?

  • Offer flexible working: Not every employee has the same productive level at the same time. Some work well in the early morning while others at night. Give your employees the flexibility to choose where and when they want to work. Trust them with the process and focus only on the outcome. It makes them accountable and focused on their work.?
  • Prioritize their well-being: Mental and physical well-being is becoming an important discussion after post-pandemic times. People are now prioritizing it more than anything else. Ensure that you do it too for your employees. Encourage healthy lifestyles and respect their boundaries.?

You can also add therapy and medication coverage to employee benefits.?

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It’s important to minimize the trend of rage applying at your workplace before it gets too late. Let the term steal the headlines but with the right implementation, don’t let it steal your employees.?

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