RAG: Red, Amber, Green
RAG stands for Red, Amber, Green, and it is a color-coded system commonly used to represent the status or performance of various metrics, projects, or tasks. The RAG system provides a simple visual way to indicate how things are going.
The RAG system typically uses the following colors:
Amber (Yellow):
Common Applications of RAG:
Example in a Project:
In this case:
The RAG system is simple yet effective for communication and decision-making!
Nadir Riyani holds a Master in Computer Application and brings 15 years of experience in the IT industry to his role as an Engineering Manager. With deep expertise in Microsoft technologies, Splunk, DevOps Automation, Database systems, and Cloud technologies? Nadir is a seasoned professional known for his technical acumen and leadership skills. He has published over 225 articles in public forums, sharing his knowledge and insights with the broader tech community. Nadir's extensive experience and contributions make him a respected figure in the IT world.