Radio Silence
Steven Nathenson, ME, MODL, PCC
Leadership & Executive Coach - Speaker - Former FBI Special Agent
Have you ever been unsure of what to say?
Have you ever thought “It doesn’t matter, it can go left unsaid?”
Or perhaps you’ve thought “It’s just not worth it” and said nothing.
Each of these thoughts can lead to radio silence.
What does that feel like for you? What does no communication from someone or an organization cause for you? Is it stress and anxiety from not having an answer? Is it uncertainty from not being able to plan or know how to proceed? Or, does it cause you to assume the worst is going to happen?
Simply put, radio silence can cause confusion, frustration, and a loss of trust. The great news is there’s an easy fix – saying something.
Recently, I put on a virtual 5k event to raise money for the non-profit organization Kona Kids. Due to a technical issue, the registrants accidentally received an automated email welcoming them to a Strive For More email list. When I learned of this, I immediately ensured the registrants who had selected not to be on my mailing list were removed and an email apologizing for the technical issue was sent. This email, and correspondence resulting from it, led to a registrant stating how gracious they were for how I handled the mishap because they had never seen it before!
A little communication goes a long way! The benefits of breaking radio silence far outweigh the cost of keeping it.
Here at Strive For More, we can not only teach you how to communicate better, but also how to have people thank you for the way in which you do it!
Next month, we are offering a high value low cost webinar series which addresses the real communication needs we all have right now! And, it is loaded with bonus materials to help you prioritize, create boundaries, motivate your employees, and know how to communicate when it matters the most!
It literally gives value away!
Register now and you’ll save an extra 16%!
Grab a 10-pack for your organization and you’ll also get one registration free! That’s 16% off AND 10 registrations for the price of 9!
Learn more and register here: