Radio Show on Addictions
Eddie Floyd
FOUNDER plus; Reporter/Talk Show Host at World Matters Inc. dba America Matters Media/President
Eddie Floyd, Founder of World Matters Inc., doing business at World Matters Media and America Matters Media, plans to secure sponsors who truly care about making a difference in our Community. We are the “Home of Community Radio”, and our Community is now the World.
Since June 1st of this year makes 11 years for me personally of being clean and sober, I would like to dedicate the rest of my life with a different type of “A.A.”, Alcohols Announced. Companies, Churches or other caring organizations can be a Sponsor for only $210.00 per month, and the way I look at it is “if we can save one life and family” per week, then the show will be a tremendous success, and it will not be long before the show becomes syndicated in our Nation and around the World too!
Floyd, who has been in radio for over 3 decades directly and indirectly, feels this is his way to pay back to society and GOD for the fact that while I was drinking, I never hurt anyone. But, I also know that “there by the Grace of GOD, go I”. So it is time to repay both with this show.
If you personally have a story to share or would like to be involved with this venture, I would love a call from you personally at 775-384-4444, or stop by our studio in the Reno Town Mall.
We air in front of a live audience, and will take questions or comments from them, as well as told free call around the World at 844-790-8255 (TALK). I personally think the original A.A. not only has been extremely successful saving lives and families, but also feel that Alcoholics Announced can do the very same thing.
For additional details on how you can help save a life with this show, or add help to a family member, friend, or associate, either stop by and meet with me personally or call my cell phone at 775-384-4444.
If you feel this show will not make an impact on lives all across the Nation and around the World, you simply need to listen to the shows, and I assure you, you will become involved. Our goal is to raise enough funds to build a bunkhouse for both men and women suffering from addition, at the Wynema Wild Horse Sanctuary on the Forsythe Ranch, so they can receive “hippo-therapy” during recovery.
Remember that “there by the Grace of GOD, go both you and I.
Eddie Floyd, Founder
World Matters Inc.
4001 South Virginia #7