It was hard to make money regardless of what you did last week. In fact it was hard to lose money. It was a good old fashioned holiday week with 1 1/2 trading days lopped off. The intraday trading ranges for SPY were 4.58, 2.17, 2.49 and 1.76. The hi-lo for the week was a paltry 5.86. The 01Dec23 456 straddle is priced at 4.14, less than last week's at the money straddle, with 1 1/2 more trading days. New Home Sales comes out 10:00am ET on Monday, followed twenty-four hours later by Consumer Confidence. The PCE Index comes out at 8:30am ET on Thursday. Construction Spending comes out at 10:00am ET on Friday. On Thursday KR releases earnings before the opening while CRM releases after the close.