Radical thought
‘A great many people think they are thinking when they are merely?rearranging their prejudices.’ (William James)
New thinking: ‘The process of becoming, the creation of what is not yet, is achieved through thinking in new, perhaps previously unimagined, ways of thinking. The concept of difference – thinking differently, becoming different, and the creation of difference – is key to maximising the potential of life.?It provokes us and dislodges us. It creates whole new possibilities.’ (Claire Colebrook)
Paradigm shift: ‘It shatters all the familiar landmarks of my thought — our thought, the thought that bears the stamp of our age and our geography — breaking up all the ordered surfaces and all the planes with which we are accustomed to tame the wild profusion of existing things.’ (Michael Foucault) I discovered this experience, existentially and transformationally, through a personal encounter:
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Foucault speaks of ‘making the familiar strange and the strange familiar.’ I have danced my life with different?languages?and?cultures: ‘When you study cultures that are different from your own, you necessarily end up seeing your own worldview in a new light.’ (Aimee Placas) I do it via abstract photography or by playing with words too, challenging my?learned perceptions?of what is?real.
How do you?stimulate, stretch and step out?of your own thinking? How do you help others do it too?