The Radical Shi(f)t When You Decide to Go Big

The Radical Shi(f)t When You Decide to Go Big

Many of us are doing something that makes us reasonably happy.  It’s not that we’re miserable; but, we realize there’s a TON more inside.

A few weeks ago I finally decided to make a major shift in my life and business. I’ve been directly involved in sales (manager, director, owner) for over 20 years and have been a trainer and speaker since 2008.

Moving away from something that isn’t working can be easy. But, when we’re intentionally stepping away from very ‘successful’ things…it can bring on paralyzation. 

These are the MAJOR things that occurred before and after the actual decision was made and I hope will help you be prepared for what to expect.

But, FIRST…let’s start HERE. As a tremendous mentor taught me, when we can clearly state ‘WHO WE ARE’ in 1 to 20 words it provides us tremendous power. It allows for that crystal clarity which is the place from which ALL future decisions become much quicker and easier.

Then, when we integrate and program this ‘WHO WE ARE’ into our everyday lives it becomes VERY potent because our decision-making is rooted in it. What we’ll do. Where we’ll live. Where we’ll travel. With whom we’ll work.

In case this helps, here's mine: "Stop playing safe and small, maximize today because the future doesn't exist."

I.E. - Anytime any decision is made, we can look to this and it becomes a much simpler ‘yes’ or ‘no’ scenario.  

Here’s a list of things to expect as you’re moving from ‘trying to decide' to actually DOING.

  1. Some how, some way you’re going to be required to experience PAIN to really make a move. This pain my present itself as financial, or how you feel, the motivation you have to perform your daily tasks. But, if you’re comfortable and things are going okay…it’s probably not your time to decide powerfully. If there’s no reason to change that you deem as critical…it probably ain’t gonna happen right now.
  2. You’ll likely feel ‘stuck’ because what you’re doing now is a part of your identity. Your financial identity, the way you’re viewed by others, what you’ve done for XX number of years. But, you’ll feel like you can’t make this ‘radical’ change because of this assigned identity. Keep in mind, this is the identity you’ve assigned to yourself and others.
  3. TWO CONTRADICTORY BELIEFS: For me, this has been a HUGE one. Sometimes feeling paralyzed to make decisions because we are constantly monitoring what others may think about what we’re doing. It’s called cognitive dissonance and it’s almost impossible to be entirely in the present because you are always wondering what other’s MAY think about your thoughts or behaviors. This one is exhausting…and the single biggest thing I see in others…and the biggest load of mental BULLSHIT you can possibly carry around.
  4. Questioning way too much ‘what if’? Well…’what if’ DOES happen…but it’s up to you how you want it to play a role in your next chapter. What if by you getting so damn dailed-in that you absolutely become FIRE, and ALL of your results quadruple? WHAT IF playing safe and small is the thing that keeps you awake at night? WHAT IF NOT letting it rip when you KNOW you have more to give is what keeps you wildly under-producing in every area? If you’re going to ‘what if’ make sure and ask the RIGHT ‘what if’ questions that have to do with you NOT MAXIMIZING ALL you can BE and DO. Ask the ones that call into question ‘what if I take bold, decisive steps to totally and completely go for it with all of my genius and passion and COMMIT FULLY?’  
  5. The unexpected absolutely will rear it’s head…good, bad and freakin’ great. If you’re like me, you’ll think about all the possible scenarios that could present themselves…and then you can throw those out the window. You’ll experience upsides that you couldn’t have imagined. You’ll have that current client tell you how pissed they are that you’re leaving to do something completely different. AND…you’ll suddenly have people reach out to you that are ready to jump into this new, incredible journey with you because they can FEEL what is going on with you and they want some of that CERTAINTY and OOMPH in their lives.
  6. You’ll likely wonder ‘how long’ it will take to replace your existing income stream. Afterall, if you’re walking away from one thing, there could be a drop or lag. Your growth will accelerate far beyond what you likely believe. If you go from operating as an ‘8’ to a ’10’ it is NOT about things increasing 25%. It’s the compounding affect of ALL of these areas becoming multiples of this increase in EVERY area. This means that income likely doesn’t go from $10k a month to $15k or $20k. This likely means it changing for you from $10k to $50k or $80k because each area is multiplied to next. It’s not that your results move from a ‘5’ to a ’10’. It’s that ALL results increase so it becomes 5 x 5 x 5 x 5 x 5 x 5. It suddenly creates it’s own ecosystem how increased success.
  7. Not realizing how BIG the difference really is between constantly PUSHING to make things happen to getting PULLED to do what is your truth. I felt like I was pushing to complete the next task. Pushing to finish the course. Pushing to generate another conversation. Pushing to create the new copy, content, marketing, etc. When we identify the things that create PULL for us…it’s a game-changer. For me, things that pulled me (and I’ve learned pull many others) are fulfillment, freedom, having fun, family/friends, being in flow, my fitness, and all of this translates into increased finances. When your day (and life) is designed to constantly PULL you forward because you are genuinely excited and curious about ‘what’s next’…life changes. It just does.  

Friends, this is such a radically different thing to experience for most of us. For many, I know it causes us to remain stuck where we are currently.

There can be so much fear assigned to ‘taking the plunge’ and majorly pivoting away from our thing.  Remember, it’s all about pivoting TOWARDS the thing that’s your truth.  


You possess powers way beyond what you likely understand. The only thing that is EVER stopping us from taking that next powerful step is ourselves. I know I kept myself from moving forward for way too long.

I hope this helps to create that awareness and that ACTION for you to BE what you’re here to DO.

There is SO much power and presence created when you fully decide to GO BIG. It really is difficult to put into words. But, the way you think, act, move, all just changes...almost in an instant.

You've granted yourself total access to your greatest super-power...and that means you want to begin running through walls...and you WILL.

You’re FAR greater than you’ve been led to believe by others. Now, go do all of the amazing things that you are born to DO.

BE the very change that you want to see and create in others.


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