A Radical Reimagining

A Radical Reimagining

Shattering Conventional Business Models for Sustainable Disruption

Dear pioneers,

The Prologue: The Deceptive Comfort of the Status Quo

In a landscape punctuated by demands for radical innovation and ethical imperatives, why do businesses often find themselves taking cautious baby steps? The peril lies not merely in settling for "marginally better," but in missing the audacious opportunity to be "dramatically different."

I've been ruminating on this conundrum, and today I wish to share a game-changing concept that has excited everyone with whom I've discussed it. The answer may not be a reinvention, but a revolutionary reapplication of tools already within our grasp.

The Arsenal: A Fusion of Pioneering Frameworks

The Business Model Canvas: A stark blueprint that decodes the complex physiology of a business—every pulse, every heartbeat.

The Blue Ocean Strategy Canvas: A daring lens that helps you visualize new horizons, far from the bloody competition, into oceans of untapped possibilities.

By synthesizing these two tools, you're not just exploring; you're enabling a disruptive breakthrough that packs a palpable societal impact.

The Alchemy: My thoughts on a Methodology

Step 1: The Bare Essentials

Utilize the Business Model Canvas to dissect your current operations. Strip away the fluff and look at the hard facts. This is not a time for wishful thinking; it's a reality check.

Step 2: Measuring Humanity and Planet

Insert two new KPIs: societal and environmental impacts. Treat these with the same gravitas as your financial metrics. Gauge the 'offering levels' for these new elements too.

Step 3: From Bare to Blue

After the raw exposure, transfer these insights to your Blue Ocean Strategy Canvas. Evaluate your service offerings against market norms, considering their desirability, feasibility, and viability. Assign rankings and remember, honesty here is not just a virtue but a necessity.

Step 4: Enter a Mirror Universe

Now create a diagram showcasing your current and, if required, the market's position based on 5-12 significant value drivers. Then, dare to reverse it, creating a mirror image of your existing business model.

Step 5: Crafting Feasibility from Fantasy

Translate this mirror image back onto a new Business Model Canvas. At first glance, it might seem wildly impractical or potentially harmful, but don't be deterred. Refine it into a model that not just challenges but annihilates the status quo. How can you 10x your ambitions?

Step 6: Test and Validate

Isolate the assumptions that underpin your avant-garde model. Validate their significance through a Business Model Scorecard, particularly focusing on the delta changes in your offerings.

Step 7: The Hustle Begins

With your vision crystallized, it's now time to roll up those sleeves. Validation and iteration are your new best mates.

Epilogue: A Bold Invitation

I offer this methodology as my first minimum viable product (MVP) and invite you to co-create its next iteration. I'm willing to invest my time to help you unearth an impactful, sustainable business model. Why? Because we're at a fork in the road between incremental complacency and radical audacity. The instruments for game-changing, socially responsible disruption are already within our grasp. The question is: are you prepared to use them to reshape the business paradigms of tomorrow?

Your next step? Challenge me. Reach out, and together let's forge a new path in the realm of business, one that makes "dramatically different" the new status quo.

Stay inspired,



