2023 Men's Guide to a Sweat-Resistant and Summer Ready Wardrobe
[Let's Start with Underwear...]
So, when it comes to building a cool and sweat-relieving wardrobe this summer I'd like to clear up any confusion on what it takes to do it.
Well, to simplify this, I'll focus on what I call "divisions of wardobing". And the most fundamental division in my assessment is underwear.
Next time you buy underwear pay attention to fabric blend on the underwear package. You'll notice that there are undergarments that are 100% cotton or some that are blended with lyocell or silk or micromodal. (Most men I've consulted could not tell you the difference.)
And I'll simplify things further by concentrating on one fabric for now - micromodal fabric.
Bottom line is this: Micromodal fabrics properties are going to help you stay cool underneath where you need it most during the hotter days.
Examples of brands with these fabrics in their products are Michael Kors, Tommy John, 2 Xist, and Calvin Klein. But you have to check the fiber content to make sure. Some brands have a great pima cotton versions which are light and comfortable.
Yes. There's are number of other brands that use micromodal but for simplicity I mentioned a few brands to get you started.
For my "But what's wrong with cotton?" folks...relax. Nothing's wrong with cotton. And if you want cotton underwear - go lighter and softer with a nice Pima cotton fabric pair.
[T-shirt vs. Tank Top vs. No Shirt...]
During the summer some guys feel it is too hot to wear both a t-shirt AND a dress shirt. So, they'll just wear a dress shirt with no layer underneath.
For some guys it doesn't matter. They're preference is to wear no t-shirt no matter the season. So, this part isn't for them.
But for those who are undecided...
I think it could be a mistake to skip wearing a t-shirt or a layer under a dress shirt - especially white or light colored shirts. This is because when you don't have a layer between your body and your shirt to absorb moisture - well your nice shirt pays an unfortunate price and ends up soaked too soon and if it's a white or light colored shirt, discoloration can happen sooner from the sweat.
Now it's not to say your shirt still won't get sweaty with a shirt under buuuut the shirt underneath can slow the moisture down before it gets to the shirt. Or at the very least it can minimize the amount of moisture that reaches your shirt.
Lastly, if you're someone who just runs hot and sweats a lot - all bets are off. And the best you can do perhaps is get undershirts with breathable or moisture wicking properties so you don't have to worry about the under shirt layer.
[Last but not least - socks!]
I'll keep this brief. Or actually, let's keep this socks. I like no-show socks for the summer when wearing dress shoes. And I prefer ankle high socks when wearing athletic footwear. I don't care as much about textile composition when it comes to socks as much as I probably should but the same principles apply as with undergarments.
Better performance fabrics can help keep you feet cooler. But honestly, I'm a cotton loyalist when it comes to socks. And I'll say this too: the thinner cotton no-show socks work best for me.
You'll find your version of sock options and preferences. Just feel free to experiment until you get it right.
So far, the S A K S Fifth Avenue, Boss and Falke brands have served me well when it comes to my summer sock selection.
That's pretty much it and as simple as I can make this inner-under aspect of wardrobing for now.
In my next article, I'll address the next division of sweat-proof summer wardrobing - Basic shirting and trousers selection.
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Here's to finding PEACE in your WARdrobe,
Buihe Madu | Image Architect & Style Advisor to Legends