The Radical CPA: Change, it's Happening (and a Confession!)
It’s been a long time coming.
But I can feel it, something has changed. Is it the world around us? I’ve been preaching about that for years now…
But I think finally, the CPAs are getting it. They are moving and interested and wanting to learn more! During the AICPA Practitioners Symposium and Tech + Conference recently, the CPAs in attendance were proactively involved in my discussions about cloud, pricing, social, and experience. Woo Hoo. Small firms and big firms alike.
So, can I pack up shop and move on to Blockchain?
Ha, just kidding. Did I freak you out there for a moment?
But in all seriousness, our work has really just begun.
I know you want details.
Over the next few months, it’s my goal to share tangible starting points because now I think everyone believes we need to move…But now the questions are: How. When. Where. Who.
It’s about to get very interesting …
But back to Practitioners Tech. I have to give you a quick update on my fangirl moment….
I met the guy who invented GoToMeeting! Yes, that guy! And he came to my session and I was all fangirling. Something so simple as a “newfangled” communication tool, which is essentially all GoToMeeting is, gets me so excited. It fundamentally changed my firm and my livelihood. Remember this was before Skype was mainstream.
When it comes down to it, being a CPA is about relationships. Tools that help you build relationships whether digital or IRL (in real life) are the lifeblood of the CPA business and any business for that matter. I know everyone gets all anxious about the tech, the cloud, the tools, but remember it’s in the basics of communication that beautiful firms are built.
So step back and breathe and I hope to give you some new direction in how to communicate with all these newfangled tools in the coming months.
One of my favorite “OLD Guys” Bill Pirolli (who wrote a forward to my book, The Radical CPA: New Rules for the Future-Ready Firm) always reminds me practice management is still practice management it’s just using new tools. Did I mention, that Bill keeps me in check when I tell him that it’s all different now? Damn, that experience thing.
Enough of my conference ramblings. I hope to see you out and about soon.
Originally published on The Radical CPA blog. For more content like this, subscribe to The Radical CPA newsletter. Or buy the book, The Radical CPA: New Rules for the Future-Ready Firm.