Radical Collaboration – a success factor for leadership, teams and a culture who encourage continuous improvement, learning and development
Roberth Karlsson
Erfaren ledare med fokus p? utveckling och continuous improvement | Verksamhetsutveckling | Ledarskap | Logistik | WMS | Lean | Automation
Yesterday I shared an article I wrote about the importance of long-term strategic plans in warehouse logistics fast paced investments and growth. I also mentioned some important success factors for producing qualitative and trustworthy strategies.
·???????Communication – from senior management to department of development and warehouse management. Involve as much knowledge and competence as possible in order to avoid devastatingly expensive mistakes.
·???????Competence – departments that work with logistics development must work with continuous learning and monitor trends and innovations and have the ability to visualize and calculate its possibilities in the company's flows
·???????Build a culture with strong teams that utilize all individual skills to ensure quality analysis in current and future flows. In order to build that kind of culture and teams you need competent leadership.
·???????A corporate culture without prestige in the organization where you can quickly reevaluate and revise decisions. We live in a world where the rate of change increases ever faster. You need to have KPI’s in order to see, do we have the right strategy or do we need to take another direction in order to reach overall goals.
Leadership, company culture and the ability to build strong teams is essential for continuous improvement, continuous learning and innovation.
Since I was 23, I have held management positions. Organizational and leadership development is subjects I have a passion for. I don’t know how many books I have read about it. But it is one book that have followed me through the years and it is “Radical Collaboration” written by James W. Tamm and Ronald J. Luyet. Radical Collaboration is a guide for individuals and organizations wishing to become more skillful at collaborative relationships.
James and Ronald have identified five essential skills an organization need if it going to be healthy and effective. If you want to develop an organization, you have to start with each individual and in particular the leaders. The five skills are:
-?????????Collaborative intention: Stay non-defensive and commit to mutual success in relationships.
-?????????Truthfulness: Create a climate of honesty and openness that allows people to feel safe enough to discuss difficult issues.
-?????????Self-accountability: Take responsibility for the consequences of your actions.
-?????????Self-awareness and awareness of others: Know yourself and others well enough to explore difficult interpersonal issues.
-?????????Problem-solving and negotiating: Negotiate your way through inevitable conflict.
Remember you need to start with the leaders. You need to begin with management and work your way down in the organization.
I strongly recommend everyone to read this book. In my experience this is a great tool to build strong organizations and teams in order to reach the important success factors I mention above.
In my article yesterday I mention Hoshin Kanri, a part of lean management and a tool for strategic planning. Radical Collaboration is the perfect approach for successful lean organizations.
Radical Collaboration: ?https://www.radicalcollaboration.com/