Radar Waveform

Radar Waveform

Radar waveform is typically specified by its Pulse Width, PW and Pulse Repetition Interval, PRI aka Pulse Repetition Frequency, PRF.

These parameters are driven from targe of interest attributes, namely; its range, radial velocity, spatial resolution, etc.

The electromagnetic echo returned from the target is compared against the original waveform, i.e. matched filter, to maximize SNR and detect the target and decipher its attribute, range, radial velocity, the size.?

The higher SNR, the higher the probability of detection and lower false alarm rate.? The SNR requirement is higher if the target needs to be tracked.

SNR is dependent on the electrical appearance of the target, aka radar cross section, range, frequency, background noise, aka clutter.

The operating wavelength and aperture size determine the spatial resolution.? Therefore, radar frequency planning should be meticulously selected based on the technical objectives.

When there are multiple targets with various attributes, radar waveforms have to be tailored for each target of interests.? This becomes challenging at best if not impossible, that is where MIMO radar comes in to mitigate.

For the above reason, radar waveform has to be meticulously designed to meet technical objectives.

Hire ORTENGA for your radar design and development.




