Goran Ristic
Professor of Physics at the Faculty of Electronic Engineering, University of Ni?
Dear colleagues and friends,
I would like to invite you to take participation in the Fifth International Conference on Radiation and Applications in Various Fields of Research (RAD 2017) that will be held at the Slovenska Pla?a Complex in Budva, which is the most famous place at the Adriatic Sea cost in Montenegro, in the period from June 11 to June 16, 2017 (www.rad-conference.org).
RAD Conferences gather people from various fields of research (natural science, medicine, environmental protection, engineering, as well as social sciences and humanities), representing the right choice for biologists, chemists, physicists, medical doctors, environmental protection specialists, electrical engineers and many others who are in a way connected with ionizing and non-ionizing radiations, as well as other areas related to them.
Please look at the Conference topics, and we are absolutely sure you will find some interesting topic(s) that correspond to your scientific interests: www.rad2017.rad-conference.org/topics.php . However, we also encourage everyone whose work is not directly related to the listed topics to send us the abstract(s) and participate in RAD 2017 Conference. Also, you are welcome to participate without sending abstract(s)!
Up to 3000 characters long abstract(s) (including spaces), without figures, equations, tables and references, could be entered via the abstract portal at the ABSTRACTS page: www.rad2017.rad-conference.org/abstracts.php . You can import and change your abstract(s) until the abstract submission deadline (November 30, 2016). The last saved version of the abstract(s) will be kept.
RAD 2017 organizers encourage the authors to write full papers for the Conference Proceedings, although it is not obligatory! All papers will undergo a fair peer-review process, and only the papers which pass that procedure can be accepted for publication in the Conference Proceedings (a DOI number will be assigned to each published paper). Moreover, the best-marked papers, upon the permission of the corresponding author(s), will be published in the newly-established, open access, and peer-reviewed scientific journal: Radiation and Applications in Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Medical Sciences, Engineering and Environmental Sciences (www.rad-journal.org).
We know that the transportation to the conference venue is a very important thing and we hope that the proximity of three airports (Tivat, Podgorica and Dubrovnik) and a large number of flights will help you in reaching the decision to participate in RAD 2017! Also, as in previous conference, we will organize a special shuttle service (transportation from these airports to the conference venue and vice versa) that covers a certain number of flights, so book your ticket in time and send us your flight details so we can put you on the list of passengers. More details about this service will be available on the conference website in due time.
Basic information on the possibilities of travel to Budva can be found on the webpage: www.rad2017.rad-conference.org/travel.php whereas the information on accommodation can be found on the webpage: www.rad2017.rad-conference.org/accommodation.php
Please share this information with your colleagues and friends who may be interested in conference participation!
Finally, you can like RAD Conferece on Facebook by visiting our page on the following link: https://www.facebook.com/rad.conference, where we will publish all new information.
Best regards,
Goran Ristic, Chairman of RAD 2017 Conference