RACK'em & STACK'em
Zelman McLaren
Founder (All-in Play Pty Ltd) Inclusive playground bounce systems for people and zoo animals.
I like easy things... easy to understand, easy to apply and easy to manage. The following table has helped me understand manufacturing processes as it provides a lens to see things more clearly:
This can be adapted to suit your specific business. If you haven't done this before, have a go at your own table because as soon as the words are on the page things seam 'easier'.
SUPERFLEX slings are made using either batch or discreet manufacturing that can require separate unit production with multiple inputs in order to produce a finished product. The physical production line is linear in shape with adjacent spill-out / work areas. The slings are made just-in-time (JIT) specifically to the needs of the end-user. The reel rack shown in the above photo has been designed to allow all cables to be reeled-off through the oval shaped ring allowing staff to easily access these raw materials from a single point. This is correspondingly highlighted in the table above.
Big picture... every decision a business owner makes should be done based on selling the business tomorrow - ie it's 'easy' for others to run in the future :)