Racism: a Stark Indictment of the Species H. sapiens~

Radical Racism is Not New, But Where Did All These Problems Begin . . .

Africa, in the then fertile veld of the southeastern central continent seems, according to evidentiary fossil findings, to be the origin place of all is the of the genus Homo species H. erectus, archaic Hominin began to appear between one Mya. And seven Cya. They began the worldwide migration from Africa and used fire. As they evolved the genus Homo sub-species heidelbergensis, approximately three Cya and in turn evolved three sub-species, H. Neanderthals, H. Denosiovans and H. sapiens among them. Forensic Anthropologist believe that there was interbreeding between the species. The species H. sapiens eventually absorbed has nine branches five of which are visually recognizable, the Southern and Northern Khoi-san [Approx. 170 Cya] , the eastern, western, and central melanesian [Approx. 90 – 60 Kya], and the caucasica [Approx. 90 – 60 Kya], non-melanesian. It is important to note that these Hominine were aggressive, extremely tribal, and violently vicious, omnivore predators, scavenging and hunting animals, little more than the creatures we descended from.

H. sapiens, humans, are frail creatures, and like our cousins H. Neanderthalis and H. Cro-Magnon we are descended, sometime between 170,000 and 60,000 C/Kya. from Homo heidelbergensis. H. Cro-Magnon is probably, scientists and anthropologists theorize, a result of relationships between H. Neanderthalis and H. sapiens. H. sapiens survived the evolutionary demise of its cousins because it was the most instinctively wary, smartest, most aggressive, and most adaptable. It is these pre-historic traits that make our entire species the perfect racist.

No fossil evidence of modern humans have been found that predate 60,000 BCE years. 

While we acknowledge that All of the H. sapiens (Human) are instinctively Racist, or Tribal to use another adjective, the onset of Civilization, the art of living together in one civil association has diminished the visual triggering of the instinctive Racist behavior from most of us. But little has been done to correct or eradicate the inherent, instinctive failures of the genus Homo and the species ‘sapiens,’ so it lies dormant in our brains until it is triggered. The degree of triggering stimuli is different in each of us and obviously, since we are all, different and individual. Even identical twins have some minor differences, and sometimes, major, almost Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde different, then some of us are just plain obtuse, to whom civilization is just an inconvenient difficulty.

People, and I use the title “People” loosely, who see difference as a superiority, power, or control issue are the worst they fall into two categories, both are societal anomalies, and both are extremely dangerous, both individually and to civilization. One is forced to wonder if those lesser beings who hunted Ahmaud Arbery like a pack of Kluxer dogs have, despite any other pretense of humanity proved that they are, at best, H. heidelbergensis.

Accepting that We are Human and Racist ~ Where do we go?

Correction: The First Steps . . .

Acceptance of difference, regardless of what the difference is will require a Worldwide discussion, a far-ranging, worldwide negotiation. Many “Sacred Cows” will have to be slaughtered, and the reeducation of our species, H. sapiens, will take several generations, how many is unknowable, we are trying to reconstruct the instinctive reactions of ten thousand generations. And making the effort more difficult, the troubling instincts are taught, a matter of example, instruction, and guided experiences. The evidence of this in prevailing, a group of toddlers, aged two years play happily together, the only conflict being possession of a desired toy. At three, because of parental influence and parental associations, the three year old child is developing a lifelong wariness of difference. This is something parents do these days, and while a degree of wariness in life is justified, that innate caution cannot be allowed to become fear or hate.

Correcting A Public and Private Education Systems that is Failed, Adult Centric, Stratified, and Extremely Lacking in Equality of Results . . .

The lack of equality is obvious from the testing and graduations rates, especially when we compare inner city schools with those of affluent suburban districts. Often the same inequity is also regionally visible when we observe different regions, say a district in Appalachia as compared to a district from rural Colorado or Missouri. 

This inequality, whether it is in the inner city or the rural district, cannot be allowed to continue. If America’s promise of equality of opportunity is to be realized, equality is key, Education is the answer to it all. Without equal and quality education, there is no opportunity and the Democratic Socialists know this. It is why they support over-crowded, over-priced, failing, unionized schools, and resist school-choice.

Allowing only selected, persons, usually ruling or upper class, an education was always one way of assuring the control of the masses. Compare the school attended by the children of Prince William and the Kate, the Duchess of Cambridge with a school in Cockney London. Compare the “Quaker School” attended by President Obama’s young ladies, his daughters to any other school in the District of Columbia, Washington. The difference is shockingly clear. Why do you think the Stone-aged Radical Islamists refuse to allow women to be educated? It’s all about power and control.

A Modern Realistic Consideration of Equal Rights . . .

The words “Equal Rights” have a nice ring to them, it is no wonder why so many abhorrently Radical Organizations, including, but no limited to Socialists, Anarchists, other Racially Specialized Radicals, and Antifa purloin them for their own demented purposes. America’s own Declaration of Independence states historically, “All Men are created equal . . .” But those are just words, and men are judged by their actions.

The most disturbing thing is that most people do not realize that there are more than twice as many illegal and legal Slaves [Of all ethnicities and races] in the United States and in the world today than there were in 1861, [Yes, some of the United Nations austere members actually condone legal Slavery, thought they may call it something else.].

In a recent Townhall Opinion Blog by Ryan Bomberger, titled “Top 10 Reasons I Won't Support the #BlackLivesMatter Movement.” Bomberger Offered several salient points, leaving out several of the most important ones.

Supporters of BLM, the Main Stream Media, and pseudo Illuminati who pretend to be Educators or Politicians, ignore History. BLM is a Radical Racist Mantra. If it were real cause they’d join a drive to shutter Planned Parenthood. Margaret Sanger’s Eugenicist Organization that has murdered at least sixty million Black Babies since its foundation in 1916 under the guise of providing “Women’s Medical Care.” Often as many as six to ten thousand a year are murdered, and they bill Medicaid for every one while selling the body parts world wide for a profit.

The Cancer that is Radicalism is hosted in the US and Britain and has spread worldwide, disenfranchising equal rights and human equality, and destroying the memory of William Wilberforce and Fredrick Douglas. It must be stopped.

Unfortunately, the

Cancer that is Black Lives Matter (BLM) is not new, it is metastasized for 200,000 years and BLM is just the newest lesion, the most currently visual example of the weakness of Homo sapiens (H. sapiens). The human being, not America, nor any other Country is racist, any such displayed behavior is just the failings of the humans that inhabit it.

Racism is a modern word of modern connotations, that it has no historical meaning does not mean that it did not exist, it did, it just had a different meaning. Calling it for what it is has import. It is the instinctive adversarial fear of anything that is different. Homo heidelbergensis is different from every other animal of this earth. As Pierre Boulle asserted in his novel, “The Planet of the Apes” [La Planète des singes], “Beware the beast Man, for he alone kills for sport or greed.” He called that phrase, “The first Commandment of the Apes.”

Modern Racism is a learned, but very human deficiency, a product of malfeasant parenting or bad choices and associations. Hate, based in any difference is taught, it is often a multi-generational, habit and instinctive forming teaching experience, i.e. Arabs, mostly Muslims, but other religions as well, hate, distrust, and have a learned acrimony toward the Jewry that tends to rule the thought process.

Ok, so let’s talk about our Education System . . .

So why you might say aren’t we talking about police brutality, and for that, the answer is simple, the statistics, the true statistics collected and correlated by a dozen nonaligned neutral parties tell us it isn’t a real problem. There are significant outliers that are magnified by the media which seems, for the most part, as if they are determined to change the way America is governed and run. They’ve lost sight of two simple facts:

1.     The Freedoms guaranteed by the Bill of Rights, the first ten Amendments to the Constitution, particularly Speech, Assembly, and the Right to keep Firearms, for among other things to resist improper governance, will not remain under Socialist governance. No strong Centralized Government can permit non aligned persons to interfere with its operations.

2.    Any Socialist Government, regardless of what specific title, Communist, National Socialist, Fascist, or Antifa, whatever you choose to name it, can permit any of the Amendments or the Constitution itself to exist. In a Socialist World there is only one law: The law they make and enforce, and there is only one answer to that law: Compliance, incarceration, or death.

As we have asserted, Racism is systemic to the human being, to all human beings (H. sapiens) and while Civilization and civic socializations may apply a filtration, currently nothing can completely eliminate it.

Education is the only answer and only time alone will tell us how many generations must pass until no human is worried or made fearful by physical or perceived difference, or of any change or changes related to what we conceive to be “normal.”

Changing the Governing Structure of Our Schools . . .

Let’s talk about who is controlling your schools and the state and federally predicated indoctrination of our kids. Schools must be locally controlled, but before we can compel our State Board of Education and the Federal Department of Education we need to sit down and totally rewrite the Educational Curriculum. What’s taught today is so full of social indoctrination and pseudo psychological imprinting that it is ridiculous that calling it education is antithetical.

The Educational Structure and It’s Governance must Change

Currently the States control a top loaded, adult centric education system, dancing to the Federally mandated standards. Big cities, New York, Chicago, Los Angeles City School Boards further muddy the picture by adding more ineffectual adults to the mix and are goaded toward purported success by a schedule of “standardized” testing that is supposed to demonstrate student qualifications. The statistical reporting tells us that this system has already passed the point of no return on the failure gradient. Many big cities are experiencing a drop-out – non-graduation rate among 11th and 12th grade students that approaches the fortieth percentile. And those that do graduate must do two semesters of remedial work to perform at college standard levels. That is totally unacceptable and is often the first step on the path to incarceration or violent death.

The U.S. Department of Education is a waste of tax dollars. It’s forty years of existence is the demarcation of failure, the shame of the Deep-State bureaucracy. Replacing it with a simple “Standards Bureau” made up of fifty-seven persons, thirty-eight of the members are state appointed, successful business persons and nineteen peer selected regional educators, meeting four times a year to set the standards for graduation from the Pk3-12 School System. It is anticipated that these standards will be ordered by the specialization of disciplines, in grades Pk3 thru seven STEM and real history (i.e. That the Democrats caused the Civil War in an effort to perpetuate Slavery in America.) are emphasized as a basis for all that follows. This base is used to expand experiential experiences that are honed in grades eight through ten into a discipline selection and then specialized in grades eleven and twelve.

The mandated school year will be 226 days long on a trimester of three periods, each being 73 days long with a twelve day semester break between class periods. Each school day will be from eight AM until 5 PM, this is to construct a work ethic like schedule in the child’s mind. This will apply to all federally sanctioned educational levels 0 thru 24. Only federally celebrated holidays will be exempted from the calendar without penalty days being required. Regional or local holiday penalty days are subtracted from the semester breaks. If a student’s family keeps the student from class for religious or personal reasons, the student is still responsible for the work they’ve missed.

State School Boards are a bureaucracy that is as much of a drain on tax payer recourses as the US Department of Education and are more hurtful because they draw from a much more limited funding resource. Regional, County, and City/Town School Boards are equally wastrel.

Each locality will host its own schools, these schools are funded by the number of students enrolled, they controlled by the principles and supervisors of those schools, and all students will exceed the federally mandated standards to graduate to higher classes and from High School. Parents finding themselves dissatisfied with a school may move their child(ren) to the school of their choice in their locality, but the parent is wholly responsible for the student’s transportation.

Teachers are not propagandists, politicians, or ideologists. Any teacher, supervisor or principle who brings their personal politics or beliefs into the classroom will be warned verbally once, sanctioned in writing on a second offense, and summarily discharged for a third offense.

All teachers will be State Licensed, they will be relicensed and recertified every three years. Recertifying will require the annual completion of 225 continuing educational credits.

From Pk3 to 7th grade the total stress must on communication, basic computation, and basic science skills, S.T.E.M. as a good acronymic description. History is also taught, but it must be absolutely fact based, without psychological propaganda, i.e. “so called, ‘White Privilege or victimhood;’ denying any racial, religious or gender based ‘difference.’ That every person is their own person, and their worth as a person is a developed appreciation of their action, spoken or written words, and their treatment of other people. We must adhere, at all costs, to the standards set forth by Rev. Martin Luther King’s [Ph.D. Div.] “I Have A Dream” Speech.

Each student must be provided all the facts, the good, the bad, and the ugly facts; following that presentation with a series of controlled discussions that encourage the students to develop a whole historical picture for themselves as individuals.

In 8th Grade into 10th Grade PK3 to 7th Grade work is reinforced and built on with improvements on all skills learned from exposure to more complex tasks. Having a solid Historical fact based students will now begin to build, from discussion, logical understandings of why historical things happened, i.e. “Why did the Pilgrims leave Holland and England?” And, “How did Slavery begin in the first place, and why did it begin.” “Why did White and Black Slavery come to the New World and Why, colonizing country by colonizing country, did it happen.” Building an understanding of the Abolition Movement, and learning how Slavery actually ended, not the Lincoln-Emancipation pablum, but the truth of struggle, of the Civil War, the Executive Order, called the Emancipation Act, of the wanton vengeance following Lincoln’s assassination, and the writing, presentation, submission, and ratification of the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments to the Constitution. 

Grades 11 and 12; preparation for College and Technical College work intense preparatory and discipline based education and skill based training begins. Students entering technical and highly skilled professional occupations, i.e. LPN/BSN Nursing, Radiology & etc. will spend three two hours work-study classes per week working in their respective disciplines. Students continuing in College or Universities will spend those same six hours weekly in advanced placement classes. All continuing students will pursue a Major and a Minor Degree. No University or College will receive any Federal or State Funding for Liberal Arts or similar generic degrees. But all bachelor’s degrees will include a minimum of fifteen credit hours in Social Arts, i.e. Music, Art, Literature, and etc. in a bachelor’s degree.

Time Passages . . .

Education is the key to all progress, and of it, in each successive generation, instinctive will fade more until the Reverend Dr. King’s dream is achieved, then God willing, we will have peace because Equality will have been achieved.


Joseph Herbert, MPA的更多文章

