“Racism: A Blot”
Recently an incident happened south of our country which took the life of a person just because someone has a corrupted mind. I watched that video many times to understand how and why someone will do any act to take a life. I couldn’t find out any good reason rather than a corrupted mind which is full of hate and anger towards mankind.
This action was not towards any race, this was against mankind as there are no bigger criteria of identifying human beings. Race and religion are men made were as humanity came into existence at the same time when mankind appeared on this beautiful planet. We all need to come forward to condemn any such act which even raises a finger, forget about killing, towards a person.
This all made me think a lot that how can someone be so full of hate that they decide to take a life. The more I thought, the more I got confused and couldn’t find a reasonable answer to these cowardly acts. I could figure out only a few reasons which I am still not convinced. Of course, these things are not taught in schools or by the parents to the kids. Is there anything in our social system which provokes these kinds of thoughts in people’s mind.
I always feel proud to say that I am Canadian and live in a country that respects each race, religion, and humanity. I feel privileged to come to this country in this era where we as an immigrant are well accepted and have all the liberties and luxuries of life. I never forget to look back and thanks thousands of those who might have faced this devil of racism but their fight and struggle made a path for others like me.
The biggest question which we should ask from ourselves, should we keep quiet as it’s not happening with us. Just imagine if someone wouldn’t have raised the voice in the past, it would have happened to you and me by today. This is the time for all of us to come forward and show solidarity towards any such cowardly act of racism especially by those who have been given the power to protect others.
I want to teach my kids to feel safe and show respect when they see a man in uniform rather than being scared of them. I want my kids to feel proud of this country’s value system and proudly say that we are Canadians. Let’s all get together and raise voice against racism for today, tomorrow and day after to give a better future to our next generation.
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I really enjoyed seeing your post