Racing Perspective to Win
Racing perspective is everything; it helps to determine if you can win or lose. No one should ever come in thinking they are going to lose. These types of thoughts happen quite a bit but we don't admit it.
Slot cars teach you to desire to win regardless of the situation. If something were to go wrong it's not endangering your life. The most horrible thing that could happen is that you break a car. To some, this is a major issue but to others, this isn't a big deal. Whatever you see in this situation helps you understand your racing perspective.
You don't always have to win but you should have a desire to be competitive or to have fun. If you don't want one of those two things what is the point? This is so important because it carries over into our real life. There's nothing wrong with having the desire to achieve something. It gives purpose or a type of vision of what could be in life. The same perspective you need with digital marketing (you don't know the outcome yet).
You didn't know that slot cars could provide enlightenment such as this. Literally, it's a reflection of how a person can keep their life on track. Going the right speed keeps the car from flying off or burning up its motor. It's what we have to figure out in our real life and careers as well.?