“Racial Issues - What Does The Bible Say?”
Jarrod M. Jacobs and Jordan Lawson
2020 has been a year of unrest in many ways, and the latest turmoil was sparked by the death of George Floyd of Minneapolis, MN. Race relations in this world have been a perennial problem. Why do we say this? It is because racism has been around since Bible times! Men have tried to solve race issues without the Lord, and their answers have been lacking. For example, in the late 1960s, LBJ and his “Great Society” legislation was supposed to end race issues, poverty, and related ills in America. In 50+ years, it has done little to solve our problems.
Martin Luther King, Jr., and others have encouraged race issues to cease. King proclaimed that he wanted to have his children judged, not based on the color of their skin but the content of their character. Amen to that. May we judge everyone on this basis! When we observe the world’s actions concerning race, we see that any positive movement hasn’t come because of laws passed, or violent responses such as assault, vandalism, or vigilantism. Instead, positive results came when people (of all backgrounds) worked and showed their character was worthy of emulation and respect.
“Look at _______; these people are racists!” “Some cannot drive their cars for fear of being pulled over for no reason.” “Some are the victims of random shootings and other forms of violence because of the color of their skin.” These complaints are real and should not continue. Complaints like these are heard in America, in South Africa, in China, and almost every country on earth. I do not say this to minimize what we witness, but to lament the fact that racism is a global problem. Men in every country judge others and use the wrong standard for judgment. Jesus said, “Do not judge according to external appearance, but judge with proper judgment” (Jn. 7:24, NET). Don’t judge (condemn) when we do not have all the facts was Jesus’ point. Certainly, this would include the fact that we do not condemn folks based on the color of their skin!
When we open the pages of the Bible, we see racial problems. Read the New Testament, and see how the Jews hated the Gentiles and Samaritans. Peter was criticized after he went to Cornelius’ house (Acts 11:1-3). Peter made it clear to Cornelius that it was “unlawful” for Peter, a Jew, to be at his house (Acts 10:28). Yet, God taught him that he was to “call no man common or unclean”! If God said not to call a man common or unclean, then why are we doing that today? Paul records on another occasion that Peter, Barnabas, and others were caught up in the hypocrisy of acting one way in the presence of Gentile Christians, and another way in the presence of Jewish Christians (Gal. 2). Paul confronted Peter because what he and others were doing was wrong. We are not to treat men cruelly just because of the color of their skin. The shootings, the lynchings, the harmful behavior that creeps up so often is not pleasing to God! It is a sin! No man can call himself a Christian if he holds racism in his heart. “He that loveth not his brother whom he hath seen, how can he love God whom he hath not seen?” (I Jn. 4:20).
Racism is a tool of Satan. When Satan can get us to hate our fellow man because of skin color, he is doing what he does best – dividing and conquering! He did this in the beginning (Gen. 3:1-5) and continues this work today! Therefore, the answer to race problems is not found in more legislation. The answer is not found in violence, vandalism, vigilantism, etc. We will not solve race problems by ignoring the facts, either. Men are black, white, red, yellow, etc. This is a blessing! Why can we not embrace our cultures and backgrounds and appreciate what they are? Don’t allow Satan to divide and conquer us because of our DNA! Let’s focus on the most important things, such as the condition of our souls! Skin and flesh will grow old and fade away, but our souls last for an eternity (II Cor. 4:16-18).
Since Satan is behind the racial divisions that plague our world, then the answer to our race problems is found with only One person – Jesus! It is Jesus who teaches us to treat others as we want to be treated (Matt. 7:12). I don’t want men to judge me based upon my skin color or based upon my ancestors. Therefore, I need not treat people that way! Have we ever stopped to consider the fact that if we ever live the teaching of Matthew 7:12, racism ends? Furthermore, Jesus said I need to love my neighbor as myself (Matt. 22:9). For a Biblical definition of “neighbor,” please read Luke 10:25-37. See what Jesus said happened when a Samaritan took pity on a Jew!
The answer to our race problems is found in the teachings of Christ. It is also found in how we act as the Lord’s church! When we read the Scripture, we see Christ never intended for His church to be divided along racial lines. How do we know this? Read Ephesians 3.
Ephesians 3 is where Paul records that the “mystery” of God has been revealed to him, and he told it to the Ephesians (and to the world by application). The “mystery” is, “That the Gentiles should be fellowheirs, and of the same body, and partakers of his promise in Christ by the gospel” (Eph. 3:6). Think about this! The mystery was to let folks know that God had intended for different people from different backgrounds, skin colors, and races, to be one in Christ! This was described in Ephesians 2:12-22, as well as chapter three. God wanted men of all nations to be saved. His “eternal purpose” in sending Christ to die and to establish His church makes all of this possible.
The church Christ built has work to do. In Ephesians 3:10, we read, “To the intent that now unto the principalities and powers in heavenly places might be known by the church the manifold wisdom of God.” To speak of “manifold wisdom” means wisdom that is many-sided or multi-faceted. Putting the thoughts of Ephesians two and three together, we see that the church makes known God’s multi-sided wisdom to a lost and dying world. One aspect of this wisdom is how God was able to bring people of different backgrounds, cultures, and skin-colors together “in Christ”! The Lord’s church needs to be leading by example and in teaching. When the Lord’s church follows the Lord’s plan for salvation and teaches it to a lost world (Mk. 16:15; Rom. 1:16), God’s word will attract people from every heritage, background, and skin-tone! Praise God for this! It is not right to judge a man based on outward appearance, and when the Lord’s church fulfills God’s eternal purpose, we will show the world God’s “manifold wisdom” and how men from every nation can live harmoniously in love.
Read the platform for Bible unity described in Ephesians 4:4-6. People from all parts of the world can be united in Christ! Spiritual unity, therefore, has nothing to do with ancestry, skin color, or some other aspect of genetics. It has to do with a willingness to follow the Lord as His children (II Jn. 9). I have been blessed to preach the gospel in this country and also overseas. I am thankful for the unity I witnessed. This unity had nothing to do with what we looked like. It had everything to do with who our Master is!
There is no room in God’s kingdom for unrepentant racists. This is because the gospel is for all (Mk. 16:15; II Tim. 2:2). All men have sinned (Rom. 3:23), and all men’s souls are in jeopardy of being lost. Jesus (who, by the way, would have looked like a middle-eastern man) died on the cross and sacrificed Himself for everyone on earth (Matt. 20:28; Heb. 2:9b). Therefore, let us who are Christians tell the world the truth of God’s word and show them what God wants us to do. Regardless of outward appearance, let us help everyone go to Heaven! Racism is learned behavior. Let us strive to “unlearn” it! We will squash racism when we put Christ first in our lives!