Racial Equity in the Workplace
GSM Systems
Catalyzing the Circular Economy by delivering the highest environmental and financial return on technology assets
Our previous article discussed on the importance of gender equality in the workplace. In this edition, we will be diving in to racial equity in the corporate world and the efforts being implemented by GSM Systems to promote this.
It is no secret that certain ethic groups have been made to feel inferior in organisations and some have accepted that they reach their glass ceiling prematurely despite their capabilities and qualifications for specific roles. Thanks to a number of initiatives that have been put in place, racism is slowly becoming a thing of the past and individuals are becoming more confident in their skin and ready to take up challenges that have previously been classified according to ethnic origins.
This is a crucial topic to be addressed, especially in the era of globalisation, where international working groups are the norm. The first and most important step to ending this discrimination is to identify and acknowledge any form of racism that may be going on in the workplace. Solutions can only be given to a problem identified.
Another important aspect that needs to be taken into consideration is the difference between racial equality and racial equity, the latter being the more favourable option to practise. Evidently, individuals with certain ethnic backgrounds may not have had the same opportunities as other individuals. This should not be used against them, for example when they have to compete with more privileged individuals.
Racial equity promotes a platform that accounts for race, gender, ethnicity, and other identifying factors when developing processes and presenting opportunities. This practice helps to account for bias toward minority applicants and offer them unique resources and levels of care to ensure the same standard given to non-minority applicants.
At GSM Systems, every individual is treated with the same amount of respect and there have been visible results of the efforts implemented to promote a racially diversified environment. The C-level management has a diversified team that work collaboratively to achieve common goals. Friendships have been created even outside the working environment where ethnicity is no barrier. The same can be said for lower-level management and the rest of the employees who work together well and have respect for each other. In the markets in which GSM Systems operate we constantly endeavour to reflect the society in our employment equity.
Like one of our executives always says: “It doesn’t matter what type of person does the job, the most important thing is to get someone who is capable of doing the job and gets the job done, or rather, hire good people and invest in their potential.”
GSM Systems are the Global Experts in Telecom Asset LifeCycle Management enabling the Circular Economy. Our NetLife SaaS suite of software tools allows telcos to maximize both environmental and financial value.