Racial equity with Emotional Intelligence Reduces Use-of-Force Incidents
Watch Chief's YouTube Video below - Racial Equity lives inside the Racial Intelligence model of treating everyone fairly.
Emotional Intelligence will reduce use-of-force incidents. Here’s how…
The Daily Check-In is an Officer Wellness exercise that helps them work on and take note of their emotions from waking up, until they end their day at home. Some will notice they stay pretty level-headed at Confidence, Optimism, and Joy. Others are surprised to note thatalthough their day starts at with Gratitude, they quickly move to Frustration, Anger, and Worry.
“When you learn to control your emotions, using your daily check-in, you learn to control every situation.” ~Randy Friedman
When an agency seeks to reduce any form of excessive use of force, Racial Intelligence training does it with:
- Emotional awareness and self control
- Education on block out syndrome
- When to step in, tap out, take over
- Addressing unprofessional behavior
- De-escalation communication
- Adopting workplace harassment standards
- Improper social media posting
- Implicit bias and bias based policing
- Racial equity
Whether you are a police officer, fire fighter, or correction’s officer, when it is time to make a split-second decision, being in the right frame of mind, to make the right decision, is crucial.
If you’ve ever made the statement, “He makes me so mad,” or “She frustrates me to no end,” think again. The fact is, no one can MAKE you mad or angry, you own your own emotions. And its time you learned how to control them. ~ Linda Webb.
Emotional Awareness is knowing what you are feeling in the moment. If you show up to work angry… then your interaction will not be good when you engage with the public.
Toxic Employees who walk around angry, can bring down an agency due to their lack of emotional intelligence. It’s the ‘not knowing’ you are angry that’s the problem. Once you can admit you are angry, you can then deal with it and start to heal.
Racial equity lives inside Racial Intelligence. When racial equity is combined with Emotional Intelligence both will reduce use-of-force incidents
WATCH this YouTube Video: Police Leaders looking to make Professional Workplace changes in their agency, do this...
As part of RITE training, officers are issued accountability emotional intelligence tools. This in-person training should be administered in the agency’s annual in-service as well as basic academy training.
RITE’s Racial Intelligence Program has helped over 850 agencies, (police, corrections, and fire-fighters (2015-2021). There are currently over 550 certified RITE Trainers in the United States.
Progressive police chiefs, Fire Battalion Chiefs, and Correction Commissioners, who have adopted RITE’s Racial Intelligence Culture have seen first-hand how the 3-prong approach has made significant impacts throughout their department and their community. We’ve worked with Police Department’s like Harvard University, University of Alabama, Pittsburgh, Fayetteville, Lake County Sheriff’s Office, Little Rock, and Nashville, just to name a few
RITE’S 3-Prong Approach
- Improved police officer’s lives at work and home
- Increased department morale
- Build community trust and respect for community
Racial equity lives inside the Racial Intelligence model. They are both about treating everyone fairly.
Racial Intelligence – is the use of Emotional Intelligence (You = EI), and Social Intelligence (Others = SI) to treat yourself and others fairly, while being respectful of everyone’s differences, (Racial Intelligence = RI).
Racial Equity is defined as “the state, quality or ideal of being just, impartial and fair.”
Racial Intelligence Training helps create a Professional Workplace Culture to include:
- Accountability Tools (Issued to All employees)
- Professional workplace SOP and Guidelines
- RITE Pledge for a Bias-free workplace
- RITE Response (Step In, Tap-Out, Take Over)
- Comprehensive Racial Equity Plan
Racial Intelligence Training improves department culture while building community trust. After one year of implementation of using RITE Tools, and cultural guidelines, departments have showed 6 significant improvements:
- Reduction in use-of force actions up to 65%
- Reduction in citizen complaints by 60%
- Increased community compliments from the public by 50%
- Bias-free environment inside the department and community
- Step In, Tap Out, Take Over – Duty to Intervene
- Improved Officer Wellness, with Stress-Relieving PTS(D) Techniques
RITE’s Police Accountability for each participant. (All Levels – Executive – All Sworn and Non-Sworn Public Service Personnel)
- Accountability Tools
- RITE Pledge Document for their personnel file.
RITE’s Accountability Component is what RITE can defend in court, while giving police leaders the accountability of holding their public service professionals accountable for their actions.
One-and-done, check-the-box training does NOT stick. Giving each officer their own RITE Tools, what you are saying, is that as part of your agencies professional workplace culture you expect your officers to always control their emotions.
Accountability to a Professional Workplace Culture:
- Executive Leaders commitment Racial Intelligence Guidelines
- All employees receive RITE with ‘accountability tools’
- Open-book test, sign RITE Pledge towards Bias-Free Culture
- Agency uses RITE Posters, Banners, and Roll Call Cards
- Monitor Use-of-force – employee with multiple use of force or complaints to attend RITE refresher professional workplace cultural
- Duty to Intervene – Step In, Tap Out, Take Over: see something against departmental policy, unethical, or excessive un-necessary use-of-force (response-to-resistance)… You take action!
Here are some links on us
Link to RITE YouTube videos
https://riteacademy.com/media/rite-news-coverage/ TV coverage, Press releases
https://riteacademy.com/media/testimonials/ – What others say about RITE
https://riteacademy.com/blog/ – Free articles and info to share
RITE’s Racial Intelligence Culture and Training Includes:
- Implicit Bias learning ‘What’s Your Hot Button?’
- Accountability – Stringent SOP and Guidelines
- Recognizing Stages of Block Out Syndrome
- Emergency Response to Step In, Tap Out, Take Over
- Emotional and Social intelligence (Bias Training)
- Unprofessional Behavior – Profanity, Rumors, Gossip
- Empathy Communication: Learn to connect
- Behavioral Self Control and Creating Space of Mind
- De-escalation Communication
- 7-types of Workplace Harassment
- The Entitlement Complex & Mental Looping
- Improper Social Media Posting
Original RITE Article posted HERE
RITE Training helps ALL public service agencies improve communication to avoid the Block-out Syndrome, to De-escalate situations, build Career resiliency, Leadership skills, and Departmental recruiting. Contact us about how to bring RITE TRAINING to your agency.
Our class is the only Nationally Certified Racial Intelligence Diversity Class approved by IADLEST. (Police Training Credentials)