A 'race to the top'?anyone?
The most desired resource ( fast becoming even scarcer) is attention. And there is a furious race going on to attract (even steal) attention. ” Everything Must Go “, ” Last Day “, Right Now “, ” Never Again ” , ” Last Chance of A Lifetime “, are clarion calls where your attention is expected to be traded off for the seemingly ‘ manna from heaven ‘ that you do not want to miss out on. Needless to add, it is a race to the bottom.
All this burden of getting attention comes at a cost. Cheaper is not better. Obsolescence. Badly designed products. Undercutting by the competitor means taking the shortcut- read going cheaper( the inevitable race to the bottom). Most stakeholders in the game have already surrendered their self-respect and self-esteem and the quintessential never ending pursuit is that of getting attention. At any or all costs.
Once reputed media outlets now shamelessly and diligently toe the ‘ if it bleeds, it leads ‘ narrative, e-commerce and click bait are best allies and partners in crime, and deep discounting and never before offers remain suspect.
All this said, the encouraging news is that there is a very viable alternative. A chance to work up the ladder to the top. The ground up model. A race to the top. Of creating products and services that are so good that people talk about it( as it is remarkable) and influence others to come on board, crafting authentic and relevant messages that are tailored to inspire your audience( not all and sundry, no ‘spray and pray‘) who look forward to receive them( because you are concerned and care for your MVA- the Minimum Viable Audience).
People who know this craft will define it as marketing.