Race Thinking
Mechelle Morgan-Flowers
Registered Nurse, Reiki Master, Harp Therapist, Drum, and Talking Circle Facilitator, Ordained Minister, Herbalist
Most of us still are in bondage to the influence of race thinking. Race thinking simply means that the people who are most outspoken influence the rest of us unduly; until we come to know that we are here for reasons that are greater than trying to follow other people’s belief systems, we are subject to race thinking. Every person is a child of the Supreme Intelligence of the universe. We are h...ere to give of our inner awareness of Truth. We do well to allow others to assist us, but not when they try to make us think, or feel, or act like they do. The only mentor you should follow is the inner Higher Self that you already are. You are positively wonderful! There is no one quite like you. How much are you aware of this?
May you remember how special you are? It is time for you to step up and take responsibilty for your life. It is time to remember what a loving heart feels like.
Believe in yourself today.