Race to the bottom or abundance? You choose.

Race to the bottom or abundance? You choose.

Cashflow issues kill nearly 30% of businesses. It doesn't matter where you live or what you do for a business this is currently a constant statistic that has an impact far-reaching beyond another failed business. Layoffs-Increased unemployment, divorce-broken homes, increased taxation- further pressure on communities to carry the burden. It's a big problem that now is starting to get some light.

While I believe in fighting the good fight, today I am going to appeal to my capitalist friends in the most qualitative way I can and ask you to make a choice.

Since you need to make a decision I am willing to help facilitate this for you leveraging a process called the client decision cycle. Taught to me by Ian Howell https://www.dhirubhai.net/in/rocketdevelopment/

Question #1 Mr/Mrs. CPA, "what do you need to do to move your business forward?"

I have personally interviewed behind closed doors thousands of CPAs in Canada and the US, and after 30 minutes and asking this question in 12 different ways your answers are fundamental and all the same.

  • You want to make more money per client
  • You want to discover new services
  • You want to optimize your business process
  • you want to find new clients

I am always amazed by two facts when I start this process. One, how every CPA knows what they need to do. Two, absolutely how much pain a CPA can endure. The long crappy hours during tax season is somehow a badge of honor to CPAs as cauliflower ear is to a wrestler. I think I am tough, but I will not endure 14 hour days for months away from my family. Please note, when I am told by a young CPA their war stories of hours on a file times thousands it doesn't earn my respect. Maybe some sympathy.

I digress, What is really keeping you up at night is the reality that you know compliance can't get you where you need to go.

So let us take a moment to reset compliance work to where it belongs, it is a table stake. Recording and reporting on the past is the bare minimum threshold skillset required to call yourself a CPA. The last 40 years made for a good life (Boomers) working in this industry while people moved from paper to spreadsheets to software. The problem is that technology has become so advanced and the compliance model has not adapted. Sorry GenX, Xennials, and millennials you have to live in the now and future for the next 10-30 years and the good old day are ahead of you not behind.

Case #1 Why are you billing hourly?

You say you want to make more money per client but you charge for the hours worked on a file. The fact is I can show you technologies that can get the job you do in 8 hours now done in minutes with fewer mistakes. This will not get you to your goal.

You go to a conference every September-December collecting CPD credits watching presentations about new techniques and tools then you lock yourself away in "Tax Hell" between January and July telling everyone your too busy to do something new. Take a vacation in August and repeat the conference/Tax hell cycle year after year.

You want to become efficient, but really that just means finding a way to do more of the same work for the same fee at the end of the day as you charge for time.

Here is the one that hurts. You want to attract new clients to sell them services you are comfortable performing they don't care about. Nope, they could care less about your 18-month-old year ends. The Paper, graphics, and blah blah blah they care about one Number. How much tax do I need to pay to the government? The Rest? it is you trying to justify the value of the bill you are sliding across the table.

I can go on for days, but here is the truth. All the firms I spoke to are quietly crying to themselves because YOY growth of their business is between -5% and +5%. There was a direct correlation to the age of the owner. Owners between 60-65 were generally declining, while 35-45-year-olds were on a modest growth curve. My hypothesis is people generally attract people similar to themselves. the 62-year-old CPA has a bunch of 62-year-old business friends for clients who are retiring, dying, or transitioning the business to their kids. They are so close to retirement themselves they don't have the pep in their step to acquire new clients and the generational transfer owners in their 20-30s want a younger more relatable CPA to work with.

Race to the Bottom, YES. Do you have to run this race? NO

Abundance- def. a very large quantity of something

Let us start on the US Business Market. There is 1,060,412 business in the US who produce sales between 1 Million to 100 Million per year.

Source: https://www.naics.com/business-lists/counts-by-company-size/

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30% of these businesses are at risk of going out of business due to Cash Management issues. 318,123 stressed and burning out people at the top of these companies praying for a solution. The rest are in various states of stress.

664,532: The Number of Active CPAs in the US. There are more than half a million actively licensed individual CPAs in the United States, according to the first such tally ever compiled by the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA).

77% of CPA firms in the US claim to offer ‘a’ cash flow service.

I’m going to be generous and say 5% actually do this work. 1% may do it well.

33,226 CPAs might do some Cash Management services to various levels of success.

What I am bringing together here is this. There are 10 stressed-out leaders of multi-million $ firms to every CPA who decides to move beyond compliance.

The average Fractional CFO charge these businesses is between 1-3% of their sales. This can equate to 10K to 250K per year per client.

10 Cashflow Management clients should produce an extra $250,000 per year. Time invested is generally 50 hours per year per client. ($500 hourly)

I have learned that the average partner at a CPA firm is responsible to produce a $1 million book of business. If they could add this service it would boost growth by 25% YOY

I hear you judging me as you read this article, "Jeremy you make a lot of assumptions here" Yes I do! They are observations from experience, hypothesized and backed by solid data, and driven by the belief that the CPA industry is currently misaligned on its value and the personal knowledge of so many sad stories of companies not making it because of Cashflow issues.

Here is the last stat. 70% of failed businesses are profitable and could have been saved by a skilled financial professional focused on helping them succeed vs selling them a comfortable service.

I have made the decision to chase abundance. What will you do?


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