Raccoons don't like to be micromanaged - do your staff?

Earlier this spring I told a friend I'd like his help cleaning out my shed before something decided to move in. Sure enough, I didn't get it done and a momma raccoon set up housekeeping.

I walked into the shed one day and heard a scuffle. Then I saw little legs hanging over the boards across the rafters. My curiosity got the better of me and I got my ladder (and a stick for I am not that stupid) and peered into the rafters. Unable to get high enough to see anything, I set up a security camera, which I had bought to catch the benevolent being with the big footprint (see Suspense, not Surprise).

Of course this took three or four attempts to get the right angle.

That evening I watched as momma coon checked out the camera. The next day I went back into the shed and left some water. Then I left them alone for a week.

Upon returning to the shed, I climbed the ladder again - holding the stick in front of my face just in case.  The kits were adorable!  Then I rearranged some things and refilled the water bowl. That evening I watched the videos, oohing and ahhing over the kits and the way she interacted with them. I told my family and friends and even set up a Skype account so they could dial in and watch.

Even though I knew I would need to eventually find a way to remove momma coon and the kits, for their safety and mine, at the time I was enjoying peering into their living room and observing their interactions.  I just couldn't help myself - I loved opening the door and hearing their little mews and trying to catch a glimpse of those babies - but then they were gone.

By the third week, the momma coon had apparently had enough of my curiosity - the camera had not recorded any movement in several days.

I thought I was being helpful - checking in, providing resources, overseeing them from afar. Apparently momma coon felt differently.

How are your efforts to be helpful, to check in, or to provide resources being perceived by your staff? Do they view these attempts as something that makes them want to stay or are your efforts inadvertently disturbing them enough to make them want to disappear in the night?


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