R100.02 training and regulations

R100.02 training and regulations

Thanks to strategic cooperation with a worldwide corporate company we started to train our customers and partners on the #R100rev2 #battery #RESS regulation.

The training is based on two parts:

1. a regulation summary, highlighting the criticalities;

2. the second point is more practical where we teach how concerningEUis set up the testing phase with the right tools and with the lesson learned from previous projects.

Here you can find the R100rev2 with all the amendments:


We suggest also taking into consideration at vehicle level these two regulations:

What is the most tricky test on #R100? probably the fire test!

Test with video from Lefae

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It's important to remind the #passengervehicles are driving the #safety #regulations in electrification also for the other #onroad/#offroad vehicles.

So for the 2/3 wheelers is active the R136

Also for machinery and agriculture, the r100 regulation is considered the foundation for the battery design and safety verification.

For this scope let us suggest the book:

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