R for Resilience - the alphabetical story of rightcoverage growth
Credit to home.hellodriven.com for this image - check out the Driven app for yourself

R for Resilience - the alphabetical story of rightcoverage growth

Credit to https://home.hellodriven.com , a resilience boosting app, for the image above.

Let me tell you about how I view my own resilience. Sometimes I am amazed that I can still manage to smile, laugh and crack on delivering rightcoverage to build a future.

Other times, I feel able to do anything and solve any problem. In these times, I look back at past experience and agree that 'everything happens for a reason'.

Infrequently, like the last 21 days or so, I have totally felt like my resilience 'tank' is empty.

Resilience, to me, is like energy. It ebbs and flows within you, based on your state of mind and what's happening around you. When you take some solid blows as we have, it takes time to build that energy (resilience) back up. Sometimes you never get to that full battery level of 100%.

Anyway, back to the facts.

This series is all about linking a word to rightcoverage growth. So in this case, we were able to grow rightcoverage as we were (and are) resilient.

Resilient to trolling, criticism, our own emotions, change, uncertainty, fear, disbelief, financial stress, external stakeholders, COVID restrictions, being ghosted, broken promises, slow service from external partners. You name it, we were resilient to it ALL and MORE.

Resilience is sheer bl**dy mindedness. The ability to keep going and keep FOCUSSED on only the things that need to be DELIVERED. We had it in spades and that's why rightcoverage grew and we have some of it left, but (for me anyway) it's not at that 100% level like it used to be.

I am hoping for better things to come over the coming weeks as new UX for rightcoverage is deployed and I can focus on the next stage of growth and some other projects in 'consulting land' to get back to that magic 100% we should ALL be aiming for.


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