R (Programming Language)- A Comprehensive Tool for Data Analytics & Statistical Computing
Introduction to R
R is a popular programming language used for statistical computing and graphical presentation. Its most common use is to analyze and visualize data. [1] R is a powerful programming language and software environment primarily used for statistical computing, data analysis, and graphical visualization.
R is a language and environment for statistical computing and graphics. It is a GNU project which is similar to the S language [7] and environment which was developed at Bell Laboratories (formerly AT&T, now Lucent Technologies) by John Chambers and colleagues. R can be considered as a different implementation of S. There are some important differences, but much code written for S runs unaltered under R. [2] As an interpreted language, R has a native command line interface. Moreover, multiple third-party graphical user interfaces are available, such as RStudio—an integrated development environment—and Jupyter—a notebook interface.
The R environment
R is an integrated suite of software facilities for data manipulation, calculation and graphical display. It includes
Why Use R?
Application of R
Syntax of R
To output text in R, use single or double quotes: [To write R Code, most used Code editor is R-Studio ] Example : INPUT: > print("Hello, World!") OUTPUT: [1] "Hello, World!"
Built-in Functions in R
> v <- c(1, 3, 0.2, 1.5, 1.7)
> print(v)
[1] 1.0 3.0 0.2 1.5 1.7
> sum(v)
[1] 7.4
> mean(v)
[1] 1.48
> length(v)
[1] 5
R Studio Code & Output:
For the Following Photo: R Studio is used as a Code Editor. Syntax can be written in R Script File as well as in CONSOLE. Some output come into CONSOLE part. Again graphical output like: Plot, graph, chart result may appears on PLOT part.
R Packages:
The tidyverse is a collection of open source packages for the R programming language. The core tidyverse packages, which provide functionality to model, transform, and visualize data, include: [5]. To use each package, programmer have to install and run code.
Example: > install.packages("ggplot2")
Generally, one can use Excel for Data Cleaning, Mining and Data Analysis for Business Decision making. Besides excel, there are some important tools for data analytics: like: SQL, Tableau, Power BI, Python and others tools. But R Programming is a comprehension tool for analyze & visualize data. R can solve different tools task by itself. R has it own syntax format like C or Python language. R programming is applicable in Statistical Analytics, Business Research, Social Science, Bioinformatics, Business & Finance and others important area.
[1] R Introduction, W3 Schools: https://www.w3schools.com/R/r_intro.asp
[2] What is R, R-project.org : https://www.r-project.org/about.html
[3] What is R, R-project.org : https://www.r-project.org/about.html
[4] R Introduction, W3 Schools: https://www.w3schools.com/R/r_intro.asp
[5] Tidyverse: https://www.tidyverse.org/packages/
[6] datacamp, Using Functions in R Tutorial: https://www.datacamp.com/tutorial/functions-in-r-a-tutorial
[7] Data Scientest , S Language : https://datascientest.com/en/s-language-everything-you-need-to-know-about-this-language