R bidding wars a thing of the past???
With our seatbelts firmly fastened for the crazy Toronto Real S. Taitt market, the first quarter is proving to be quite the roller coaster ride.??Minimal supply and high demand are the main ingredients for buyers, as they strap on their gloves and go to war.?A bidding war more specifically.?As we create benchmark sold prices in 2022, the expectations of the seller begin to shift.?In a few short months ones expectations could shift by 6 figures.?Some say, who will be left holding the bag??Is this normal to see such a fast increase?
This market as crazy at it is, requires the knowledge of a professional to guide you through it and create a soft landing.??Timing is everything, as we will move through different levels of demand, depending on the weather. ???Sometimes, there are more questions than answers.?A strategy moving forward would be the best way to accomplish your real estate goals as supply is limited and demand for detached dwellings is at an all-time high.??Selecting the correct list price is key as a pricing strategy could be the difference between no offers or multiple offers.??So stay focused and do your homework.
The househelp team is growing, and we are here to help.??WE are focused on YOU and your family’s needs, and understand that each home and individual is unique and requires a custom househelp plan.?
As always, I would love to hear from even just to say hello.