RēL Talk Today and An Inside Job
Marianne MacKenzie Peterson
I help professionals untangle the complexities of business and life so they can experience deep meaningful work and relationships. Master Coach | Business, Relationship & Life | Author | Former Corporate HR Executive
I "got the lesson" that life is an inside job the hard way.? Maybe you can relate.
I didn't listen to the gentle whispers trying to get my attention. I didn't even feel the tap on my shoulder from the Universe telling me to slow down and consider what I was doing.?
It took a Cosmic 2 x 4 to get my attention, which took me to my knees.??
I burned out.? Hard.
It was painful.? I was humbled. It affected not only me and my team, it was hard on my family too.? And I learned some very valuable lessons.??
What did I learn??
You can change your religion, job, husband, your car, your hair color . . . it doesn't change who you really are.? But it may change your self-identity.?
My friends I want you to hear me.??
Anything that can be taken away from you is part of a false identity.? It is NOT the real you. The authentic you.
FALSE.? Meaning that it isn't YOU at all.??
It is just something you have attached the image of yourself to.? Like a good mother, a great boss, a scratch golfer, the owner of that awesome house on the hill, the one who is always on time, the best dressed, the top of the sales leader board, and the list goes on and on.??
You may be all of those things . . . right now.? But take the job away, the house away, the clothes away and if it changes who YOU think you are . . . you may be living on a FALSE sense of yourself.??
Who you really are can never be taken away from you.??
What we do to keep this false perception . . . false identity of ourselves alive is exhausting and futile.? EVERYTHING CHANGES on the outside.? In our external world.? If this is where we place all our value and identity then we are literally internally bankrupt.??
I am here to help you learn how to fill up and nurture that inner world.? EVERYTHING on the outer part of your life will start to have so much more meaning and purpose for you.??
Life is just richer and full of - well, LIFE!??
If why you are doing what you are doing is based on other people's opinions or beliefs, then you may be heading for the Cosmic 2 x 4 too!?
Listen, with a clear awareness of who you uniquely are, you may still have the house, the vacations and be the top of the leader board AND be wildly happy while enjoying all of those things. Living a life authentic to who you uniquely are is the goal.
If you feel you are heading for the kind of rude awakening that I had - make sure to reach out to me.? You don't have to hit your knees to make this pivotal change in your life.??
We would love to have you join us at RēL Coaching where we do this work every beautiful day of our lives.? It is FREEDOM.???
Please remember - what anyone else thinks about you and your behavior is none of their business. What you think of yourself is! ???Please be gentle with yourself as the web of confusion is lifted and you become even clearer on how to get what you want for your life.??
It will require you to know and practice the things I teach.?
We've got this!
I've got you.?
P.S.? If you would like to jump on a Discovery call to see how I might be able to support you in designing a more meaningful life, then here is my calendar. ?No obligation, just 30 minutes with me.?
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