RēL Talk Today and Control
At RēL we teach practical and powerful skills to simplify life and connect who you uniquely are and what you value with how you live, work, and love.

RēL Talk Today and Control

Coming to you today with something I hear my clients tripping over that can really cause trouble.? It is this illusion that the smarter and more successful [or older] we get - the more we actually have control over.??

When we believe this idea then our brilliant brain goes to work looking for PROOF that indeed we actually do have control over things.?

"Oh, my son is now paying attention to what I said was important"?

Or, "Watch what new trick I taught my dog"!

How about the "Well I told him he couldn't do that anymore"

And about business, I hear "I just make my team do that".??

Or, “He has to do it, his company makes him”.??

REALITY CHECK - RēL Talk.? We live long enough and pay attention we realize that we just don't have control over the things we think we do.? It can be a rude awakening to find out that people aren't doing what we expect them to do or act as we expect them to act.? Life just doesn't operate the way we think it should.??

Regardless of how clearly you communicate or the time you put into "training" them.? This happens to be our greatest frustration in life.??

Others just not doing or acting the way we think they should.?

?In fact, you only have control over one thing.? (Spoiler alert!)


That's right, your one and only self.? And as we all know, that in itself can be very challenging at times.??

This is truly the place where all of your power resides.?In the beautiful ability to actually control yourself.? While right now you might not totally feel in control of your urges and cravings, your impulses and your reactions, or even your thoughts or feelings -- know this, it is possible and the time and effort you place on understanding how to control the ONLY thing you actually can control will pay off in huge ways.?

Let me tell you a little secret.? It is also the only way to reach the dreams - you know those ones that just won't quit burning inside of you?? The ones that feel just out of your reach most days. ? They don't have to be.?

Reaching these dreams will require you to be your best -- to pull out your fullest potential, each day showing up even more yourself.? It happens in small changes that will have you feeling more and more in control of what you choose and how you show up.?

Here are 3 things you can do to improve your self-awareness around controlling the one thing you can control.? YOU.??

  1. Observe.? Pay attention to yourself.? What are you thinking, feeling, and believing that is causing you frustration in the world, your work, or in relationships? Become used to observing how you feel about and see others.? Just notice - without judging yourself as good or bad.? Self-judgment will strip you of the power you have to observe and change.??
  2. Intentional Choices. As you observe and notice what is causing you discomfort, ask yourself this question.? “What would I like to experience instead”?? And then make a decision to believe and behave as the kind of person who would have that kind of experience.? How would they think and feel???
  3. Action. Choose to take at least one specific action that will allow you to move toward that new experience.??

Change happens in small measurable ways.? As we form new and more beneficial #habits we experience the impact in big ways.??

I absolutely believe in you.? Even when (and often especially when) you don't know if you can believe in yourself.???

We all win when you win.??

We would love to have you join us at RēL Coaching where we do this work every beautiful day of our lives.?

It is FREEDOM.????

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Stay curious my friend!


P.S.? If you would like to jump on a Discovery call to see how I might be able to support you in designing a more meaningful life, then here is my calendar.? No obligation, just 30 minutes with me.?

P.S.S. Please feel free to "like" and post a question or comment below and share this with any friends or colleagues who might find learning more about #mindset and #personalgrowth helpful. Thank you!

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Observation, intention, and action - love this Marianne MacKenzie !

Kevin Castillo

Brand Strategist | Making your customer fall in love with your e-commerce brand and build strong customer loyalty through branding that speaks | Notion Ambassador

1 个月

It's so easy to fall into that trap, especially as we get older and accumulate more experience. I'm curious to know what specific tools or skills you recommend for self-coaching to help us navigate those moments when life feels chaotic. Any tips or resources you can share? ??



