QWP Newsletter August 2024

QWP Newsletter August 2024

August 2024 - News in brief



Nitrogen loading resulting from major floods and sediment resuspension to a large coastal embayment

?Journal: Science of The Total Environment


a School of Civil Engineering, The University of Queensland, St Lucia, Brisbane, QLD 4072, Australia

b Urban Utilities, Brisbane, QLD 4001, Australia

c School of the Environment, The University of Queensland, St Lucia, Brisbane, QLD 4072, Australia

d The Mina & Everard Goodman Faculty of Life Sciences, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat Gan 5290002, Israel

e Port of Brisbane Pty Ltd., Brisbane, QLD 4178, Australia

f Biopixel Oceans Foundation, Fortitude Valley, QLD 4006, Australia


Major floods pose a severe threat to coastal receiving environments, negatively impacting environmental health and ecosystem services through direct smothering with sediment and nutrient loading. This study examined the short and long-term impacts of the February 2022 major flood event on mud extent and sediment nitrogen flux in Moreton Bay (the Bay), a large, sub-tropical embayment in Southeast Queensland, Australia. Short-term impacts were assessed three days after the flood peak by sampling surface water at 47 sites in the direction of the predominant circulation pattern. Longer-term impacts were assessed by undertaking an intensive sediment survey of 223 sites and a nutrient flux experiment using sediment core incubations to simulate calm and resuspension conditions for the four key sediment classes. Short-term impacts revealed elevated turbidity levels extended across the Bay but were highest at the Brisbane River mouth, ammonium concentrations varied inversely with surface turbidity, whereas nitrate concentrates closely tracked surface turbidity. The sediment survey confirmed fine sediment deposition across 98 % of the Bay. Porewater within the upper 10 cm contained a standing pool of 280 t of ammonium, with concentrations more than three orders of magnitude higher than overlying surface waters. The nutrient flux experiment revealed an order of magnitude higher sediment ammonium flux rate in the sandy mud sediment class compared to the other sediment classes; and for simulated resuspension conditions compared to calm conditions for sand, muddy sand, and mud sediment classes. Scaling across the whole Bay, we estimated a mean annual sediment flux of 17,700 t/year ammonium, with a range of 13,500 to 21,900 t/year. Delivery of fine sediments by major floods over the last 50 years now impact >98 % of the benthic zone and provide a major loading pathway of available nitrogen to surface waters of Moreton Bay; representing a significant threat to ecosystem health.

Open Access: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article


2024 Michael Woodhouse Award

The 2024 presentation of the annual Michael Woodhouse Award will be hosted at AECOM (540 Wickham Street, Brisbane) on 9 October. Keep an eye out for a link to register for the event in future EA newsletters.

?The Michael Woodhouse Award showcases work from Queensland's most promising future water engineers.?Each year, undergraduate engineering students from Queensland universities who have undertaken research projects related to water engineering are invited to present their findings at the Michael Woodhouse event.

?The Michael Woodhouse Memorial Prize is presented annually in recognition of Michael’s achievements and his efforts for the industry. Michael Woodhouse had a brief but distinguished career in the water engineering field, sadly passing of cancer at the age of 32.

?If you know of a final year undergraduate student at a QLD based university completing a project in a water related field, tell them to get in touch ([email protected])!

Expression of interest

Calling for presentations on coastal, maritime, marine and ocean engineering projects:

The Queensland Water Panel are hosting a coastal technical session on 11 September in Brisbane.? We are inviting local presentation on topics including coastal engineering, maritime and marine development, dredging, ports or any other salt-water focussed project.? More details of the technical session will be shared in the coming months, which typically include an evening time slot after work, some nibbles and drinks and a chance to meet up with colleagues working in this field. ?

If you have a project, you are willing to present (expect 10-15 mins) please email the Queensland Water Panel at [email protected] with the subject: “coastal technical session” with a brief outline of your topic.


ARR2019 is a fantastic effort by those involved in the Australian water industry. At HWRS2023 a portal was demonstrated on the ARR Services Index, it was created to collect ideas and funding sources for future projects.

It is available at Lodge Project



August 2024

Ocean Protect Forum

National WSUD Maintenance Compliance Framework free panel discussion

Presented by Daniel Rider – Ocean Protect

07 August 2024 | For more details and to register

Australian Drainage Engineering Community (ADEC) free webinar

ADEC Learning Series: Drainage lessons from disaster recovery projects

07 August 2024 | For more details and to register

Australian Water School free webinar

Improving SWMM Modelling with GIS Tools

21 August 2024 | For more details and to register

Institute of Public Works Engineering Australasia (IPWEA) in Person Event (Brisbane)

Erosion and Sediment Control Level 3

27-29 August 2024| For more details and to register

Australian Water School free panel discussion

Climate change updates to ARR Guidelines

27August 2024| For more details and to register

Australian Water School free webinar

Applying AI to HEC-RAS modelling workflows

29 August 2024| For more details and to register

IPWEA in Person Event (Brisbane)

Sediment Basin Design

29 August 2024| For more details and to register

September 2024

Keep an eye on QWP updates!

?Suggestions for events are always welcome by emailing [email protected].

Feedback is welcome via email here.

For frequent updates see our LinkedIn?page Queensland Water Engineering Panel LinkedIn Group.


QLD Water Engineering Panel - Laurence Allan Daniel Rodger Lindsay Millard Cara van Megchelen Feifei Tong Alan Rotsey Sanja Oldridge Martin Jacobs Ryan Dermek Daniel Niven Hayden Guse Baijie Chen Chris Huxley Anne Kolega Adam Broit Kok Keng T. William Prentice Eranda Perera, PhD Drew Wilson Katie Fletcher


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