QuTi Series: Mend Your Ways
Direct from Heart to Pen => I dedicate some lines on the contemporary situation...!
Dear Patrons,
Today is a special day. The world is celebrating International Mother's Day.
I am sending your way some beautiful lines just to pray to Mother Mary and get us out of this situation.., This is how it goes...
Humans, now it's your turn for sure! Awaken or Perish, the choice is yours!
Wind turned poisonous and we look helpless,...my friend,
These unprecedented times, this evil spell, I just wonder, will it ever end?
Nature's fury looks so adamant as if a vow to make us bend,
This is painful, as we endure, is that the only language, we now understand?!
We made dams, we built roads, we cut trees, we burned coal,
Our factories polluted the ozone layer making in it a big fat hole.
We dumped the plastic that did not degrade to raise temperatures at the pole.
Cries of mother earth were never heard and the man kept playing the dirty role.
So, here is the nature's own ways and means,
To take the revenge, to spill the beans.
It transformed into a virus with mutating genes,
That killed both, the old and the young in their teens.
We prayed to God, we chanted with hope,
We washed our hands several times with soap,
We locked ourselves down for weeks and months,
To contain the spread and to be able to cope.
Our economies perished and our finances turned weak,
The world got shattered as the death numbers peaked
A magic, a miracle to save us from this wrath
Clueless, defeated, with folded hands, we seek.
Please stop the dance of the evil, O God!
We vow to conserve the nature, O God,
We won't turn deaf now if the mother earth cries,
We mend our ways, we promise, O God!
....Ajay Garg