Quran with a name

Quran with a name

A client from the UAE contacted us. He needed a birthday present for a certain date. Among our Qurans, he chose a small, easy-to-travel Quran, slightly smaller than a phone. But on the Qur'an, he wanted to place the ayah and the names in slave language.

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The basic Quran originally chosen by the client. See photos on the site

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Obverse with ayah. Size 130x95 mm

Especially for him, we changed the design of the Quran and agreed on the layout. This did not affect the price, since the changes are not significant.

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Within 30 days, the masters worked on the work and managed to meet the deadline. The Quran arrived in Dubai 2 days before its birthday

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Альтернативный текст для этого изображения не предоставлен
Альтернативный текст для этого изображения не предоставлен

If you are thinking of ordering the Quran and you still have questions, please write at any time WhatsApp or [email protected]
